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To: Wolfboy@Stellvia.fen
From: Ford.Sierra@ Friggarock.fen
Subject: Re: Heavyarms

Better to do something I love and fail, than something I hate and succeed.

For 20 Plasma Carbine and Pistols, it'll take maybe two months if I start as soon as you send me the order. Lead time will depends on when I get it. That's 40 weapons total. The 4 Long Lance rifles will take another month on top of that. Final cost will depend on what exact options you'd like on each weapon. I'll draw up a quotation once you tell me what exactly you want, but I can do a discount of 10% per gun for a bulk order like that. 500 rounds each I can do easily.

And, honestly? Reload time and ammunition capacity.

Ford Sierra
Specialist in Chicago Typewriters


To: blackrider@roughriders.fen
Subj: Re: Full-time Heavyarms
From: Ford.Sierra@Friggarock.fen
Date: Dec09 2023

Yeah, if we can make it work, then it does sound like a plan. Wink

The catgirls ran off the components for 100 FR-15 rifles in five days, including carbon composite cure times. Including the metal parts, like the trigger-group, recoil spring, bolt, bolt carrier and gas-piston and gas-tube. The barrel is carbon, with a steel liner we make in-house (Long and Short versions available). It took longer to assemble and test each rifle by hand, than it did to actually manufacture the parts.

How many do you you need?

The plasma weapons are harder to produce. They're built as on-offs, with the frame, slide and ignition chamber being roughed out on my own CNC mill, before being heat treated and finished to fit each other. Grips are fitted to the customer's custom spec along with anything else specified like engravings'. They take about 6 hours with my current CNC tools to rough-cut, heat treating takes another 3-hours, with final fit and finish taking most of the next day at a minimum if I have all the supplies I need and the customer has no special requests like real wooden grips/stock. I can be finishing one while another is rough-cut.

Just how accurate can the manufactory get? How fast can it work? If you can get it accurate enough and consistent enough that I can just assemble the base firearm with minimal bench-work, then we'll have something to talk about. Being able to mass manufacture parts for these will make my life so much easier. And make it easier for everyone who has one to get spare parts, because right now the only parts that can be swapped between them are the magazines, fuel bottles and igniters.

But I really need an extra pair of hands or three.

Ford Sierra
Specialist in Chicago Typewriters


OCC Note: I'm not quite sure how long it'd actually take. I'm not really a firearms expert. Ford would know a lot better than I would.

Incidentally.This is the Plasma pistol. The reason Ford doesn't call it a Cosmo gun, is that the Cosmo Dragoon pistols were specific one-offs, with only a specific few ever built to the Harlock style. Lengthen the barrel, and add a foregrip and stock for the carbine version. Most of the other components are common, including the ammunition.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

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