To: wolfboy@stellvia.fen
From. Ford.Sierra@Friggarock.fen
Subj: Re. Fulltime Heavyarms
I don't think I can do them that way. Custom fitting no-problem, but swapping out major parts gets expensive when I have to order in a stock of 20 that might or might not be used. I have a few demonstrators with bells and whistles they can try, individually. That sounds like the easiest way to do it. Once I've got everyone's individual preferences and fitting I can get a full quote to you and you can get the funding to go ahead.
That teak will polish up nice. It'll add weight compared to polymer parts, but I think the weight's why you want it, am I right?
Specialist in Chicago Typewriters
She is, of course, not telling him that she's filling Ben's order first. Because that'll drop the parts-cost, which will increase her profit.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
From. Ford.Sierra@Friggarock.fen
Subj: Re. Fulltime Heavyarms
I don't think I can do them that way. Custom fitting no-problem, but swapping out major parts gets expensive when I have to order in a stock of 20 that might or might not be used. I have a few demonstrators with bells and whistles they can try, individually. That sounds like the easiest way to do it. Once I've got everyone's individual preferences and fitting I can get a full quote to you and you can get the funding to go ahead.
That teak will polish up nice. It'll add weight compared to polymer parts, but I think the weight's why you want it, am I right?
Specialist in Chicago Typewriters
She is, of course, not telling him that she's filling Ben's order first. Because that'll drop the parts-cost, which will increase her profit.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?