Each one expected the other to flinch. The trailing ship assumed Lun had detected their presence without confirming who they where, and would change course at the last moment before impact, so they staid put under silent running rather than maneuvering and risking confirming their identity. Lun's crew believed the opposite would happen - the trailing ship would assume they hadn't got a direct fix on them, couldn't see them and wouldn't turn, so the trailing ship would move out of the way to avoid a collision. And so neither of them diverted and they both ran into each other. (At least, that's the answer given in private....)
This is the same sort of logic that caused a fair few Soviet and American subs to pick up a few dings and dents throughout the Cold War. It's almost traditional.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
This is the same sort of logic that caused a fair few Soviet and American subs to pick up a few dings and dents throughout the Cold War. It's almost traditional.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?