Subject: Travel advisory for Eastern Europe
Mr Heath,
The Australian Immigration Office thanks you for making this enquiry before engaging in travel as recent socio-political instability in Eastern Europe and areas of the Caucasus means that travel for Australian citizens is not advised unless strictly for business purposes.
Recently, the Russian government has issue a warning for all foreigners to be aware of a currently unknown secessionist group with possible links to Fenspace-based terrorists. As such, we strongly advise that you do not travel to Eastern Europe for any purpose other than strictly business.
-Triax Corporation Catalogue, Updated December 15th, 2021-
-Civilian Application Technology-
Model-14 Personal Field Computer: The Model-14 is Triax's entry into the personal computer market, aiming to create a cheap, quality computer for usage in the field that can be maintained and modified easily by the user. While handwavium-enhanced, Triax believes that spontaneous AI-manifestation caused by Mnemosyne's Honey is a detriment to field operations, particularly in space where a single distraction like a newborn AI can lead to severe injury or even death. Thusly, standard handwavium is used to minimise the risk of such incidences.[1] The Model-14 is a two-piece system consisting of a forearm-worn terminal interface connected by a sturdy cable to a satchel-sized processing unit shielded from stellar radiation and electromagnetic energy. While bulky, all parts are designed to easily replaceable and as a customer courtesy Triax provides a life-time service and repair guarantee for all customers.
Model-16 Field Computer: The Model-16 is a larger unit, about the size of a large travelling case, designed to be provide more processing power and data-crunching capabilities than the Model-14 with minimal quirks [2] and as with the Model-14, standard handwavium is used to minimise unwanted AI manifestation. While bulkier and less mobile than the Model-14, the Model-16 is still affordable, easily maintained, and able to be customised to the user's specifications with a minimum of parts and materials. All components, like the Model-14, are modular and designed for plug-and-play capability and maximum adaptability.
Model-20 Operations Computer: The Model-20 is the largest of the computers offered by Triax Corporation and much like the -14 and -16, the Model-20 is capable of being maintained and customised while being of a high quality of manufacture. Designed to be used in a field base or a small ship, the Model-20 is the size of a large shipping crate and is not made for being used in the field, but once set up is capable of running a small base camp; from communications to automated defenses. Setting up more and networking them allows for increased functionality, and emergency function shunting allows for another in the network to take over if one is compromised and destroyed. As with -14 and -16, standard handwavium is used for minimisation of potentially danger AI-manifestation in the field. [3]
[1:] Make sure that all sales staff DO NOT call the Model-14 by that damnable 'Ghost Talker' nickname and never acknowledge any AI's that manifest as being the person in question. If a client complains about the AI, make sure that customer service offers to remove and delete the AI or repurpose it. In both cases, strip the AI out of the system and place it in the Corporate Citizen program.
[2:] The entire range has to deal with this problem, so make sure to play down any rumours about so-called 'ghost' AI's manifesting saying they're a dead relative or even someone who's been dead for years!
[3:] The Model-20 is the only one that seems to avoid the whole 'Ghost Talker' problem, but just in case make sure that there is the option for any AI's that manifest to be removed from the system for the customer. We need AI's for the Corporate Citizen program and the TEI.
-Cybernetics Technology-
V-10 Basicware: Triax recognises that sometimes, you just need a cheap, easily maintained, cybernetic replacement to get you through the day until a proper replacement can be made for you. The V-10 is Triax's answer; low-quirk, high functionality and able to be modified as the client requires. And when a new limb replaces the V-10, Triax will buy it back for full price.
Model-10: While there are better bodies out there, Triax knows that sometimes, you need to be able to stick a brain inside a body and keep it alive long enough to get some actual help. The Model-10 is built for that purpose, a no-frills full-body conversion body designed to keep a brain alive and mobile and as a result the Model-10 is designed to be able to keep its precious cargo alive through just about anything Triax can imagine, and possibly a few more that are unexpected. Because of this high level of redundancy and survivability, Triax also offers a client recovery service to find, recover and then deliver a person placed into this body to proper medical care and will pay for all medical expenses.
Model-200 Close Combat Body: The Model-200 is a dedicated unit for close combat, designed for maximum survivability to get in close, and maximum lethality. As with all Triax products, the Model-200 is designed to easily maintained and customised to the user's tastes and like all Triax products comes with a life-time warranty for free maintenance and repairs.
Model-400 Ranged Combat Body: Unlike the Model-200, the Model-400 is designed to act as mobile fire support, able to be fitted with the heavy weaponry necessary to take down anything that might be encountered, whether a rampaging robot or a sudden pirate raid, the Model-400 can provide the firepower to defeat them.
-Powered Armour-
Space SAMAS: The Space SAMAS is Triax's first entry into the field of powered armour, designed to be used not just for military applications, but civilian applications as well thanks to its highly customisable nature. Fitted with Ion-Thrusters, the Space SAMAS also acts as a serviceable personal craft, but some modification will be required for extended travel in the Solar System.
-Aerospace Craft-
S-14 Corsair Space-Fighter: The S-14 has its origins in the venerable F-14 Tomcat and while there are other Tomcat-based aerospace craft in Fenspace, the S-14 is the only one designed as a dedicated rebuild of the F-14 for Fenspace, built from the original F-14D blueprints, for combat operations in Fenspace, while being easily maintained and repaired so that any habitat can operate one as an armed security option. Typically armed with a Triax D-20 Heavy Laser Cannon, the S-14 is powered by a 'waved fusion reactor and propelled by Triax Ion-Pulse Engines for maximum power efficiency and ease of maintenance.
S-160 Blackjack-S Heavy Bomber: The S-160 is Triax's newest addition to the company aerospace line, built from the Tu-160 Blackjack blueprints, providing a high-speed bomber that can match the Lancer-class in speed and is cheaper to manufacture since it doesn't require expensive stealth materials and it's larger size allows not just for increased military payloads, but makes the S-160 viable as a high-speed cargo craft as the S-160 is capable of being rebuilt as a private craft, a cargo carrier, troop transport, anything the client requires, the S-160 can provide.
H-22 Starfire Heavy Aerospace Fighter: The Starfire is Triax's first original design, a fighter designed to provide the very best in armed security options for private habitats. The Starfire is built to be customised, and can be manufactured exactly to the client's requirements before sale, making every Starfire that comes off the line unique.
Smart Ammo: Based on the United States' Exacto self-correcting ammunition, Smart Ammo is ammunition for modern gauss and railguns for the discriminating customer who wants accuracy and self-guided ammunition to supplement or replace expensive missiles. Smart Ammo uses tiny ion pulses to redirect the round's momentum over distance and correct its flight to hit its target with a 80-92 percent success rate. While not as agile as missiles, a sudden barrage can easily lead to the target being taken by surprise as all of the rounds home in on the target's shields and hulls, and can be made exceptionally cheaply, making Smart Ammo a smart alternative to standard non-guided ammunition.
Sand Can: Modern particle and laser weapons are currently some of the deadliest weapons in Fenspace since they have essentially unlimited ammunition and can travel stellar distances at the speed of light, making them highly effective at range. But Triax knows that these weapons have a distinct weakness; particulate matter can absorb and degrade the potential energy in laser and particle cannon shots. So Triax is proud to present the Sand Can Anti-Beam Defensive Munition, a 'flak' shell that is fired in the path of an attacking ship to degrade lasers and particle weapons by forcing the energy to burn through a thick cloud of specially-treated dust.
-Coming Soon!-
'Hot Swap' Biopod: Triax's experiments in Transhuman Evolution Initiative have made great strides in the field of life-support for cyborgs and the Hot Swap is Triax's soon to be released as part of a new line of full-body conversions where the human brain is integrated into a self-contained life-support system that can be mounted into a partially bio-mimetic body's torso for easy access and removal and also opens the way to new types of cybernetic full-conversion bodies.
COFFIN: The Closed OFF INterface is another advancement born from the Transhuman Evolution Initiative, designed to create a mind-machine interface to allow a craft to be operated as a 'Fly-By-Mind' system rather than using physical control systems.
Subject: Confirmation
I got confirmation this week after the business trip. They're in full operation, and I think they've got their eyes on the GTV for some reason.
I'll try and get more info soon.
Subject: Travel advisory for Eastern Europe
Mr Heath,
The Australian Immigration Office thanks you for making this enquiry before engaging in travel as recent socio-political instability in Eastern Europe and areas of the Caucasus means that travel for Australian citizens is not advised unless strictly for business purposes.
Recently, the Russian government has issue a warning for all foreigners to be aware of a currently unknown secessionist group with possible links to Fenspace-based terrorists. As such, we strongly advise that you do not travel to Eastern Europe for any purpose other than strictly business.
-Triax Corporation Catalogue, Updated December 15th, 2021-
-Civilian Application Technology-
Model-14 Personal Field Computer: The Model-14 is Triax's entry into the personal computer market, aiming to create a cheap, quality computer for usage in the field that can be maintained and modified easily by the user. While handwavium-enhanced, Triax believes that spontaneous AI-manifestation caused by Mnemosyne's Honey is a detriment to field operations, particularly in space where a single distraction like a newborn AI can lead to severe injury or even death. Thusly, standard handwavium is used to minimise the risk of such incidences.[1] The Model-14 is a two-piece system consisting of a forearm-worn terminal interface connected by a sturdy cable to a satchel-sized processing unit shielded from stellar radiation and electromagnetic energy. While bulky, all parts are designed to easily replaceable and as a customer courtesy Triax provides a life-time service and repair guarantee for all customers.
Model-16 Field Computer: The Model-16 is a larger unit, about the size of a large travelling case, designed to be provide more processing power and data-crunching capabilities than the Model-14 with minimal quirks [2] and as with the Model-14, standard handwavium is used to minimise unwanted AI manifestation. While bulkier and less mobile than the Model-14, the Model-16 is still affordable, easily maintained, and able to be customised to the user's specifications with a minimum of parts and materials. All components, like the Model-14, are modular and designed for plug-and-play capability and maximum adaptability.
Model-20 Operations Computer: The Model-20 is the largest of the computers offered by Triax Corporation and much like the -14 and -16, the Model-20 is capable of being maintained and customised while being of a high quality of manufacture. Designed to be used in a field base or a small ship, the Model-20 is the size of a large shipping crate and is not made for being used in the field, but once set up is capable of running a small base camp; from communications to automated defenses. Setting up more and networking them allows for increased functionality, and emergency function shunting allows for another in the network to take over if one is compromised and destroyed. As with -14 and -16, standard handwavium is used for minimisation of potentially danger AI-manifestation in the field. [3]
[1:] Make sure that all sales staff DO NOT call the Model-14 by that damnable 'Ghost Talker' nickname and never acknowledge any AI's that manifest as being the person in question. If a client complains about the AI, make sure that customer service offers to remove and delete the AI or repurpose it. In both cases, strip the AI out of the system and place it in the Corporate Citizen program.
[2:] The entire range has to deal with this problem, so make sure to play down any rumours about so-called 'ghost' AI's manifesting saying they're a dead relative or even someone who's been dead for years!
[3:] The Model-20 is the only one that seems to avoid the whole 'Ghost Talker' problem, but just in case make sure that there is the option for any AI's that manifest to be removed from the system for the customer. We need AI's for the Corporate Citizen program and the TEI.
-Cybernetics Technology-
V-10 Basicware: Triax recognises that sometimes, you just need a cheap, easily maintained, cybernetic replacement to get you through the day until a proper replacement can be made for you. The V-10 is Triax's answer; low-quirk, high functionality and able to be modified as the client requires. And when a new limb replaces the V-10, Triax will buy it back for full price.
Model-10: While there are better bodies out there, Triax knows that sometimes, you need to be able to stick a brain inside a body and keep it alive long enough to get some actual help. The Model-10 is built for that purpose, a no-frills full-body conversion body designed to keep a brain alive and mobile and as a result the Model-10 is designed to be able to keep its precious cargo alive through just about anything Triax can imagine, and possibly a few more that are unexpected. Because of this high level of redundancy and survivability, Triax also offers a client recovery service to find, recover and then deliver a person placed into this body to proper medical care and will pay for all medical expenses.
Model-200 Close Combat Body: The Model-200 is a dedicated unit for close combat, designed for maximum survivability to get in close, and maximum lethality. As with all Triax products, the Model-200 is designed to easily maintained and customised to the user's tastes and like all Triax products comes with a life-time warranty for free maintenance and repairs.
Model-400 Ranged Combat Body: Unlike the Model-200, the Model-400 is designed to act as mobile fire support, able to be fitted with the heavy weaponry necessary to take down anything that might be encountered, whether a rampaging robot or a sudden pirate raid, the Model-400 can provide the firepower to defeat them.
-Powered Armour-
Space SAMAS: The Space SAMAS is Triax's first entry into the field of powered armour, designed to be used not just for military applications, but civilian applications as well thanks to its highly customisable nature. Fitted with Ion-Thrusters, the Space SAMAS also acts as a serviceable personal craft, but some modification will be required for extended travel in the Solar System.
-Aerospace Craft-
S-14 Corsair Space-Fighter: The S-14 has its origins in the venerable F-14 Tomcat and while there are other Tomcat-based aerospace craft in Fenspace, the S-14 is the only one designed as a dedicated rebuild of the F-14 for Fenspace, built from the original F-14D blueprints, for combat operations in Fenspace, while being easily maintained and repaired so that any habitat can operate one as an armed security option. Typically armed with a Triax D-20 Heavy Laser Cannon, the S-14 is powered by a 'waved fusion reactor and propelled by Triax Ion-Pulse Engines for maximum power efficiency and ease of maintenance.
S-160 Blackjack-S Heavy Bomber: The S-160 is Triax's newest addition to the company aerospace line, built from the Tu-160 Blackjack blueprints, providing a high-speed bomber that can match the Lancer-class in speed and is cheaper to manufacture since it doesn't require expensive stealth materials and it's larger size allows not just for increased military payloads, but makes the S-160 viable as a high-speed cargo craft as the S-160 is capable of being rebuilt as a private craft, a cargo carrier, troop transport, anything the client requires, the S-160 can provide.
H-22 Starfire Heavy Aerospace Fighter: The Starfire is Triax's first original design, a fighter designed to provide the very best in armed security options for private habitats. The Starfire is built to be customised, and can be manufactured exactly to the client's requirements before sale, making every Starfire that comes off the line unique.
Smart Ammo: Based on the United States' Exacto self-correcting ammunition, Smart Ammo is ammunition for modern gauss and railguns for the discriminating customer who wants accuracy and self-guided ammunition to supplement or replace expensive missiles. Smart Ammo uses tiny ion pulses to redirect the round's momentum over distance and correct its flight to hit its target with a 80-92 percent success rate. While not as agile as missiles, a sudden barrage can easily lead to the target being taken by surprise as all of the rounds home in on the target's shields and hulls, and can be made exceptionally cheaply, making Smart Ammo a smart alternative to standard non-guided ammunition.
Sand Can: Modern particle and laser weapons are currently some of the deadliest weapons in Fenspace since they have essentially unlimited ammunition and can travel stellar distances at the speed of light, making them highly effective at range. But Triax knows that these weapons have a distinct weakness; particulate matter can absorb and degrade the potential energy in laser and particle cannon shots. So Triax is proud to present the Sand Can Anti-Beam Defensive Munition, a 'flak' shell that is fired in the path of an attacking ship to degrade lasers and particle weapons by forcing the energy to burn through a thick cloud of specially-treated dust.
-Coming Soon!-
'Hot Swap' Biopod: Triax's experiments in Transhuman Evolution Initiative have made great strides in the field of life-support for cyborgs and the Hot Swap is Triax's soon to be released as part of a new line of full-body conversions where the human brain is integrated into a self-contained life-support system that can be mounted into a partially bio-mimetic body's torso for easy access and removal and also opens the way to new types of cybernetic full-conversion bodies.
COFFIN: The Closed OFF INterface is another advancement born from the Transhuman Evolution Initiative, designed to create a mind-machine interface to allow a craft to be operated as a 'Fly-By-Mind' system rather than using physical control systems.
Subject: Confirmation
I got confirmation this week after the business trip. They're in full operation, and I think they've got their eyes on the GTV for some reason.
I'll try and get more info soon.