Or. I got bored and had an evil idea.
To: [List.Jaguar.Contacts.giftlist]
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: T'is the season
Hi all.
Little early for gifts I know but it's the last transport of the year leaving so it's as good a time as any.
Because on that transport is a crate, packed with bottles of something I've been working on for the last few
To be taken in extreme moderation. I figure full disclosure is at hand, considering....
It starts with a bottle pure malt alcohol, a generous quantity of well-roasted Klatchian coffee, some guarana leaves
and a few other herbs and spices for flavour. These are then pressure-macerated for about a month or so together,
until the flavours have well and truly finished their infusion.
Before being filtered, bottled, labelled, then shipped..
Now, this stuff's not for the faint of heart. In the bottle, it's about 75% ABV.
So, there's a proper way to drink it.
Out of the bottle, it's extremely bitter. There's no added sugars so it needs to be taken like Absinthe for the best
effect. Add sugar and dilute with iced-water to taste. Then very carefully take a sip and enjoy the ride.
Or leave it on the shelf. The label looks good.
Happy 25th.
P.S. Yes, I do eat my own dogfood. One small bite at a time.
Attachments: Card_Frigga_2023.Jpeg
It's perfectly safe. Honest.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
To: [List.Jaguar.Contacts.giftlist]
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: T'is the season
Hi all.
Little early for gifts I know but it's the last transport of the year leaving so it's as good a time as any.
Because on that transport is a crate, packed with bottles of something I've been working on for the last few
To be taken in extreme moderation. I figure full disclosure is at hand, considering....
It starts with a bottle pure malt alcohol, a generous quantity of well-roasted Klatchian coffee, some guarana leaves
and a few other herbs and spices for flavour. These are then pressure-macerated for about a month or so together,
until the flavours have well and truly finished their infusion.
Before being filtered, bottled, labelled, then shipped..
Now, this stuff's not for the faint of heart. In the bottle, it's about 75% ABV.
So, there's a proper way to drink it.
Out of the bottle, it's extremely bitter. There's no added sugars so it needs to be taken like Absinthe for the best
effect. Add sugar and dilute with iced-water to taste. Then very carefully take a sip and enjoy the ride.
Or leave it on the shelf. The label looks good.
Happy 25th.
P.S. Yes, I do eat my own dogfood. One small bite at a time.
Attachments: Card_Frigga_2023.Jpeg
It's perfectly safe. Honest.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?