Quote:robkelk wrote:Yep, I figure even finding Draka beachhead teams is rare and just as much of a chance to run into Samothracian counter-teams.
Let's not find the draka home worldline too soon, please. We need a decent set of villains for this alternate...
Quote:"Draka safe house?"_______________________________________________________________
"Nope, no pheromones detected. Getting odd readings of a non-local technological vector on passives from 'em." The infomorph regarded the house in question. His fox shaped synthmorph hidden beneath a bush and some good old low tech camo netting. This had started out as a normal scouting mission of a rather standard American-centric timeline before passives had detected molehole formation in the area.
"These guys really don't match the Draka, they even blend in with the locals better. I think we're dealing with Samothracians. Recommend an Magical or Magi-tech recon team for this."
"Well shit, I'll pass it up the chain the next supply portal."
"Damn there are those odd signals again." One of the Samothracians was fiddling with a portable sensor suit. While the other was glancing out a window.
"Still not been able to track them?"
"No and they are clearly not local tech, but aren't Domination ether."
Both the Samothracians traded a look. A new player might be active between realities and they knew nothing about them. That thought scared them more then running into blindly into Domination beachhead team did.
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel