I'm still not done with this just yet. I can tell because I don't shell out money for art commissions on passing fancies.
With that in mind, some artwork and an expanded biography of F&F,A.
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"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"

Quote:Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
(Art by John Peters, http://gypsygirlpress.com/]Gypsy Girl Press)
Malaclypse Fnord (originally Samuel Z. Wildman) started life as a lower-middle-class mountain kid in the small farming and tourist trap communities of south Park County, Colorado(1). He got a scholarship, went to college, met some people, graduated and prepared to settle into a comfortable life of general obscurity. Until one day, when an internet friend of his asked if he’d be interested in helping out on a project of hers. He agreed and never looked back. Taking his old net handle as nom de guerre, Malaclypse became part of the first cadre of sidesteppers, and it turned out he was really good at it too. Exposure to raw handwavium in the early days kickstarted something inside him and as time passed he also got pretty good with gadget-building, an invaluable skill when stuck in a cave with a bucket of scraps. A couple years into his career as a sidestepper Mal traveled to Timeline-017 in search of a dangerous magical artifact; in an Alexandrian tavern he met a wizard...
Athena Fnord (originally Athena Flavia Nepos) grew up in almost the same geographical area but a very different world. A native Vesperian(2) and a younger daughter of a minor branch of a middle-class merchant family, Athena inherited a genetic predisposition for magic use and the not-quite-superhuman strength and dexterity found in the common demigod(3). This surprised very few people, since if you looked at the family tree and added up all the heroic ancestors little Athena was just about 1/8th god. At the age of ten she was sent off to temple in order to learn how to use her gifts effectively. Upon reaching nominal adulthood at the age of 16 Athena chose to leave the temple and travel to the Old Empire as an adventurer. Ten years of hard adventuring later she had a reputation as a skilled fighting wizard and knew much of the old districts of Syria and Judea like the back of her hand, which drew the interest of a strange traveller looking for something in the Sinai desert…
The Vesperian sorceress and the outtimer artificer spent a month and a half in the desert, in a complex tale involving the (long-lost) Ark of the Covenant and a company’s worth of Time Nazis that’s a bit long to get into here. By the end of this adventure (the Ark safely restored to the Temple in Jerusalem, the Time Nazis thwarted and the overall safety of the multiverse ensured), Malaclypse and Athena found they worked pretty damn well together, and she agreed to go back to his home country. And so Fnord & Nepos, Acquisitions was born. By the end of their second adventure, they were pretty much inseparable. Within a year, they were married, and the dark forces of the multiverse learned to twitch involuntarily when Fnord & Fnord, Acquisitions showed up on their doorstep...
(1) Yes, the same place the cartoon is supposedly about.
(2) Codex: Vesperian
Vesperians are an ethnic group from Timeline-017 (IU designation ROMA FANTASTICA) who make up the dominant residents of the Vesperides (the local term for the continents of North and South America) and the Third Roman Empire. The ethnicity is largely pre-contact native (connecting Vesperians with Homeline First Nations tribes is difficult due to chronal divergence) with a degree of intermarriage between Europeans and Africans who were either part of the initial First Empire conquest or refugees fleeing the Wizard’s War and the collapse of the Second Empire. Culturally Vesperians have been largely assimilated into the Roman way of life, though many religious traditions survived and were incorporated into the Third Empire…
(3) Roma Fantastica is a twist on GURPS:IW’s Roma Aeterna, with the addition of high-fantasy D&D elements and some magic technology. Think Eberron with Romans. The gods - not just Roman but a bunch of other pantheons too - exist, and being the randy little bastards they are well… saying you’ve got divine lineage in Roma Fantastica is like saying you’re related to Charlemagne or Genghis Khan in Homeline: just about everybody is to one degree or another. Europe and the old Empire blew itself to hell about a century and a half before Mal and Athena meet, and the old Med basin is a magnet for professional adventurers. There’s other things going on too, but they’re not germaine to this post so if there’s questions I’ll do my best to answer them.
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"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"