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Museums in Fenspace
Museums... Tranquility Base itself is something of a museum, and there's something of a "virtual museum" associated with the Alexandria Archive. And I think that's it with respect to canon.

As to what should be exhibited, or at the least stored... Definitely the earliest noteworthy ships would end up on display once they're retired from active service: the Uncertainty (first ship Up), the original Pthicka (first ship to make a big impression in the 'Danelaw), the Epsilon Blade (first purpose-built fenship), whatever ship Mary Zeiger took to be the first person to reach Mars, the Phoenix (first ship to make a successful interstellar trip), and the Magnificent Midnight, to name just a few, would all end up in the Interplanetary Museum of Fenspace once their current occupants or owners are finished with them.

The Convention as a whole and each of the noteworthy factions would have something on display - including the original Articles of Convention (behind tight security; let's not risk them being stolen or vandalized), models of Utopia Planitia and Crystal Tokyo in their early years, decent maps of Serenity Valley and Kandor City, a sample of Gate metal ... and a Catgirling Machine.

Who to highlight: Gagarin and Armstrong, of course. Katz Schrödinger and the aforementioned Mary Zeiger. The Jason and The Professor, Chris Marsden and Noah Scott, Bjo Trimble and Tanith Curtis. Asomdeus Grey. The people who made a difference, one way or another.

At the least. No doubt I'm forgetting some very important items.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

Messages In This Thread
Museums in Fenspace - by Dartz - 11-03-2013, 12:28 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 11-03-2013, 02:12 AM
[No subject] - by Tennie - 11-03-2013, 11:17 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 11-04-2013, 06:41 AM
[No subject] - by Tennie - 11-04-2013, 07:27 AM
[No subject] - by Dakota - 11-04-2013, 09:35 AM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 11-04-2013, 03:20 PM
[No subject] - by HRogge - 11-04-2013, 03:39 PM

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