China may definitely be the first to try
Either a takeoff and landing from somewhere on the mainland, or a brand new rock dropped. It's already been established that China is up to *something* out in the Main Belt. And they certainly have the political clout the shout down any international complaints. I doubt anyone's going to risk triggering a war over it - not unless someone fucks up. And given the Chinese environmental record.....
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Either a takeoff and landing from somewhere on the mainland, or a brand new rock dropped. It's already been established that China is up to *something* out in the Main Belt. And they certainly have the political clout the shout down any international complaints. I doubt anyone's going to risk triggering a war over it - not unless someone fucks up. And given the Chinese environmental record.....
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?