"Jenny, did you hear the rumor about the fighter competition?"
"What, you get something new and you did not told me DIRECTLY?"
"Calm down, calm down... its just a rumor, a friend of mine heard something about one of the other fighters! She says it mounts a dual Gatlin coilgun!"
Jenny smiled. "Perfect, just perfect..."
"What? I told you before our vehicle is not really that well armed... we should not have skipped the bigger booster!"
"I tell you you are wrong, we are just fine. I expect most Fen going in this direction, but I have already an idea what to tell the brass at GJ... trust me!"
"What, you get something new and you did not told me DIRECTLY?"
"Calm down, calm down... its just a rumor, a friend of mine heard something about one of the other fighters! She says it mounts a dual Gatlin coilgun!"
Jenny smiled. "Perfect, just perfect..."
"What? I told you before our vehicle is not really that well armed... we should not have skipped the bigger booster!"
"I tell you you are wrong, we are just fine. I expect most Fen going in this direction, but I have already an idea what to tell the brass at GJ... trust me!"