I'll take that as an endorsement, I guess.
The 'rainbow' handwavium would be a strain that developed from the concentrated tennants of the show, namely a strain that makes OTHER strains work much better together (often exceeding what dedicated components treated with a dedicated strain could accomplish), or can cause different strains to mix in a way to produce novel results. Like solid and green getting dissolved into rainbow and then used to treat plants, making them into highly efficient power cables and solar 'arrays'. Or solid and that gearhead/trekkie handwavium alloy. By itself, it can sort of reproduce any handwavium's given effect if you try and tune it before hand, or an extremely high-quality/spark distilled quality grey, but at the cost of being extra quirky, but when combined produces less quirks or quirks that will tend to make the intended owner of the item happier.
The guy himself was trying to become a Pellucidaran (hence the ORE and Minmitar sci-fi stuff, going for the mining lasers and Tony Stark grade 'CAVE! WITH SCRAPS'/'explosion in a girder factory' scrap repurposing since he had two junkyards nearby he intended to raid for parts.
For the three themselves, they'd be based off of the primary three in the show, with obvious quirks following from the source material that are kind of intrinsic:
All together now: When coordinating efforts together with each other, or with other fen, the efficiency/capability of the Crusaders increases vastly beyond what they would appear to be capable of at a varying rate depending on project, need, or how well they interact. This effect can be noted to be vaguely to completely and totally spark/mad-like. Extreme caution should be exercised.
I feel like--like I want to SING!: As per their source material, they have a habit of breaking into song whenever they become especially determined to complete a task or when they feel some emotion especially strongly. This combines with All Together Now! for disturbing/interesting effects. They also can drag in other people into this effect.
"We could get our Cutie Marks!": When dedicated to their task of 'finding their cutie marks', anything that CAN go wrong in the task (harmlessly) WILL go wrong in the task. Including several of the things that shouldn't possibly go wrong. If you hear this said, either run or try to distract the crusader who said it through something that you can either afford to have damaged, through distracting them with a duty that needs to be done immediately, or something else.
That's all stuff that they are outright inseperable from, so the guy would be stuck dealing with those effects (which provides lots of story fodder, like accidentally starting a flash mob in town despite the trio hiding in the back of his van when they start singing, or accidentally launching a sat into orbit, etc)
The 'rainbow' handwavium would be a strain that developed from the concentrated tennants of the show, namely a strain that makes OTHER strains work much better together (often exceeding what dedicated components treated with a dedicated strain could accomplish), or can cause different strains to mix in a way to produce novel results. Like solid and green getting dissolved into rainbow and then used to treat plants, making them into highly efficient power cables and solar 'arrays'. Or solid and that gearhead/trekkie handwavium alloy. By itself, it can sort of reproduce any handwavium's given effect if you try and tune it before hand, or an extremely high-quality/spark distilled quality grey, but at the cost of being extra quirky, but when combined produces less quirks or quirks that will tend to make the intended owner of the item happier.
The guy himself was trying to become a Pellucidaran (hence the ORE and Minmitar sci-fi stuff, going for the mining lasers and Tony Stark grade 'CAVE! WITH SCRAPS'/'explosion in a girder factory' scrap repurposing since he had two junkyards nearby he intended to raid for parts.
For the three themselves, they'd be based off of the primary three in the show, with obvious quirks following from the source material that are kind of intrinsic:
All together now: When coordinating efforts together with each other, or with other fen, the efficiency/capability of the Crusaders increases vastly beyond what they would appear to be capable of at a varying rate depending on project, need, or how well they interact. This effect can be noted to be vaguely to completely and totally spark/mad-like. Extreme caution should be exercised.
I feel like--like I want to SING!: As per their source material, they have a habit of breaking into song whenever they become especially determined to complete a task or when they feel some emotion especially strongly. This combines with All Together Now! for disturbing/interesting effects. They also can drag in other people into this effect.
"We could get our Cutie Marks!": When dedicated to their task of 'finding their cutie marks', anything that CAN go wrong in the task (harmlessly) WILL go wrong in the task. Including several of the things that shouldn't possibly go wrong. If you hear this said, either run or try to distract the crusader who said it through something that you can either afford to have damaged, through distracting them with a duty that needs to be done immediately, or something else.
That's all stuff that they are outright inseperable from, so the guy would be stuck dealing with those effects (which provides lots of story fodder, like accidentally starting a flash mob in town despite the trio hiding in the back of his van when they start singing, or accidentally launching a sat into orbit, etc)