M Fnord Wrote:JSYK, we kicked the bronies around a little a couple years back. There's some brainstorming in there about biomods and how the bronies fit into the greater political landscape. Feel free to expand and/or contradict that as you see fit.
One thing I was thinking about is that the crusaders start growing up, and get the idea to build themselves a new friend. At least when exposed to androids and stuff like that. And they end up succeeding, and the new crusader sticks around someplace after bonding with someone. (and then that one gets lonely, and builds a friend). Basically self-replicating a pony android race into existence over the next decade, with the new crusaders (oh xenu, NO!) ending up finding homes everywhere and forming small branch chapters, which form small branch chapters. So, while pony biomods are common (running from from ears and tail/cutie mark to full anthro), ponies/ponydroids (or whatever you want to call them) stay highly visible due to... well, being ponies and having show-esque luck.
One thing I was thinking of was that to replicate certain feats for the unicorns and pegasi (at least initially), the handwavium comes up with a type of combo anti-grav unit and tractor/repulsor beams built into the wings and horns.
One thing I was thinking of was that to replicate certain feats for the unicorns and pegasi (at least initially), the handwavium comes up with a type of combo anti-grav unit and tractor/repulsor beams built into the wings and horns.