Actually, now that I think of it, could it be postponed until after Lun's 2024 mission..... I'd been hoping for it to lead into something big (Originally the discovery of gatebuilder ruins on Earth).... maybe the sensor technology built for Lun leads to some sort of discovery related to this.
That thing was basically built to quickly survey a planet for broken and inactive gate-bits and similar signatures, so it comes with all the fun stuff like a full gradiometer array and a 'tanalloy sensor' that's probably doing more than anyone realises once the Big Minds get a look at it.
Otherwise, I'm really struggling to come up things for thise beyond what I've already done on the subject.
I quite like things like this that may not be directly stated, but implied.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
That thing was basically built to quickly survey a planet for broken and inactive gate-bits and similar signatures, so it comes with all the fun stuff like a full gradiometer array and a 'tanalloy sensor' that's probably doing more than anyone realises once the Big Minds get a look at it.
Otherwise, I'm really struggling to come up things for thise beyond what I've already done on the subject.
Quote: or that whoever built the gates went away very suddenly.
I quite like things like this that may not be directly stated, but implied.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?