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[Slice of Life] State of the Rats
from: ford.sierra(a)heavyarms.fen
to: local-call.residents(a)friggarock.fen
Message sent: The results are in...

So. We got the council out. We got the Junta in. We got a properly formatted request drawn up by a legal expert who decided to take a full day longer than he told us he would, we managed to vote on it, and we couriered our request to the Queen.

We made it.

With ten minutes to spare.

Your council for the time being is myelf, Leeroy Barnes, Anya Solberg, Hitomi Shirou, Gabriel Ermine, Sarah Linsey, Marik Monk and Bao Chang.

We sent an official, notarised request to the Queen for her to resolve the dispute by choosing someone to take the seat along with a list of the seven people we want in the position.

Now, there is no guarantee she will pick any single one of these. This really isn't the endgame we wanted. She could choose anyone - so long as they're dues-paying citizen of the Millenium. She's going to pick whatever's most poitically convenient for her and if that's making friends with Kayabuki then we're fucked. If it's someone neutral, we might be ok. Venus is bigger than us, and that's always our problem.

I've spoken with someone in the know who thinks it's possible the queen will take our side, but it's up in the air. The Queen's a belter too, and we kinda know each other - Jet was her instructor in the Roughriders. On the other hand, we're really not that popular with the ordinary person on Venus right now - Kayabuki's got a lot more spin than we do.

Mal didn't help. As nice as it is to know that the truth is out there, it probably did more hurt than harm. It's already not hard for people to call us outsiders who don't really belong and having El Presidente nosing around is just making it easier for Kayabuki to spin it against us.

If she chooses a toady, that's it.

We're done.

We're stuck for a few months with a rotten baron until we can get enough people over the Catch 22 line to force a recall - which takes months to follow through.

Also - there's one other problem that's come up. I've been told that if we do manage to get someone into the Court, then, basically, both parties will just throw the could shoulder. While our concerns will be 'represented', they won't be heard.

We'd kinda planned on Kayabuki's government falling over, but so far they've clung on like a catgirl to yarn. We'd ideally need a new election - which with the way things are in the parliament could make the independents like us kingmakers. If that doesn't work, and the administration takes a set against us - there're dozens of things they could still do to screw us over.

Also, we can stand down from Case Destructive Love for now. It looks like our worst fears won't come to pass. Thankfully. That could've gotten real stupid, real fast if someone had decided to go to the brink.

In other news Lun's mission is going well and they'll be back on schedule. And we can revert to the original council.

Also, Gabriel has a pool up on who'll actually get the nod. If you don't like money, you can bet on me.



To: Cathy(a)
Subject: RE:Mess on Frigga

Hi Cathy.

Thanks for the offer. You're better off talking to Ford or whatever council they managed to elect. It's a 20 hour round trip for messages to get here and back and the last thing I heard was a bunch of tinfoil hats turning Mal Fnord's post into 'Sammie Invasion of Frigga Iminent' and 'Rebellion to be Crushed'. We're way to far out of the loop out here to make meaningful contributions if we wanted to. And too busy doing SCIENCE! to keep more than a cursory tabs anyway.

By the time this gets to you, you'll know what happened with the recall. If it doesn't come off, and Kayabuki really pushes things towards getting the Sammies involved, the plan is to perpare for a Case Destructive Love and hope the bluff isn't called. If it does, well, forget I even said that.

--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

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