i need to say this because i just realised how badly i screwed up, i really need to pay attention to the dates put on these things.
My third point earlier is a non issue, reason being is the S7 is not that yet. its still an indipendant free station and black market Over the Rainbow station
because FSOG has not captured the station as of this timeline point he will not be banned from its space, especially since the impetus for its capture was the spotting of one of his doom bot impersonators
The flip to that is that there is a good chance that Wolfboy and Loviatar could be on station for the situation
now as to my other point for this post. even in the united states there is a responsibility for someone who has the ability to maintain their sanity with medication to do so. Say a Paranoid Schizophrenic, who while on their medication is perfectly fine, knowingly goes off their meds, the murder they commit while off their meds they are held responsible for once they are in a mental state to act in their own defense. Also any and all caretakers could be considered Accessories to the crime due to their not ensuring that the subject stayed on their meds.
this hypothetical case could go either as second degree manslaughter but more and more are going as second/third degree murder. The death itself was unintentional, however the removal of the meds that maintain the perpetrator's mental state was intentional and thus argues forethought, at least of the possibility that it could happen.
the parralel here is that the proffessor and his caretakers know that he needs sleep or else he becomes more and more manic, the fact that they are unwilling to render him unconcious be it either through injury or medication makes them culpable as enablers, similar to the bartender handing the drunk the keys to his car. Unfortunately no one seems to be willing to take the role of being the person to shut down "One of fendom's greatest minds" and if no one is willing to do it on a personal level it needs to be done on an institutional level.
third point in character:
to: Undisclosed Recipient.
Subj: RE: the Professor.
Alright folks, since I'm out in the black hunting down rogue elements I'll state this; While i don't think the Prof needs to be declared a bosky someone needs to put an actual leash on his hide. Quite frankly the man is to dangerous to run around loose like he has. Jet, you know me, I was right there with you taking down some of those Boskone mads you mentioned and while the prof is not malicious like they were the fact of the matter is that his negligence and the negligence of his caretakers might mean me having to shoot him one of these days simply because some bosky decided he wanted to entice the prof with some neat bit of tech or mystery and there was a group of innocents involved.
Its quite clear that the prof when he hasn't had his sleep is non copus mentus, however, the fact of the matter is that it is the responsibility of him and his caretakers/crew to ensure that he maintains a clear circadian cycle to maintain his level of reason. It is apparent by this incident that they can not be trusted to do so. I am afraid that if something isn't done to change the situation that is the professor that one day I'm going to find myself hunting him for some reason other than the Frog bounty.
Also, lets be frank here people, all of us have blue hair days to one extent or another, and some of them are more dangerous than others. If i was someone who gave into their need to build easily it could just as well be me people were banning simply because i built another space weapon. Have i built them, not always, but i have also destroyed them while saving the blueprints in a secure server with OGJ and the Convention. The problem with that is that while what i build could possibly destroy habitats, the Professor's work tends to destroy lives, especially that of Friezes. I mean lets be honest with each other here, the entire reason he built the JFM in the first place was so that he would have a ready supply of both assistants and test subjects. The problem with that is that we recognize the Friezes as Sapients and thus worthy of protection under convention rules, What Chris did was in my eyes not only the right thing to do but the appropriate thing to do no matter the Professor's reasons.
In closing i think that the Professor needs to be committed to a facility that while it will assist him in building things for the convention it will mandate and ensure, by medicated force if necessary, that he get at least eight hours of sleep in any 48 hour period.
James Wolfboy Bostwick
My third point earlier is a non issue, reason being is the S7 is not that yet. its still an indipendant free station and black market Over the Rainbow station
because FSOG has not captured the station as of this timeline point he will not be banned from its space, especially since the impetus for its capture was the spotting of one of his doom bot impersonators
The flip to that is that there is a good chance that Wolfboy and Loviatar could be on station for the situation
now as to my other point for this post. even in the united states there is a responsibility for someone who has the ability to maintain their sanity with medication to do so. Say a Paranoid Schizophrenic, who while on their medication is perfectly fine, knowingly goes off their meds, the murder they commit while off their meds they are held responsible for once they are in a mental state to act in their own defense. Also any and all caretakers could be considered Accessories to the crime due to their not ensuring that the subject stayed on their meds.
this hypothetical case could go either as second degree manslaughter but more and more are going as second/third degree murder. The death itself was unintentional, however the removal of the meds that maintain the perpetrator's mental state was intentional and thus argues forethought, at least of the possibility that it could happen.
the parralel here is that the proffessor and his caretakers know that he needs sleep or else he becomes more and more manic, the fact that they are unwilling to render him unconcious be it either through injury or medication makes them culpable as enablers, similar to the bartender handing the drunk the keys to his car. Unfortunately no one seems to be willing to take the role of being the person to shut down "One of fendom's greatest minds" and if no one is willing to do it on a personal level it needs to be done on an institutional level.
third point in character:
to: Undisclosed Recipient.
Subj: RE: the Professor.
Alright folks, since I'm out in the black hunting down rogue elements I'll state this; While i don't think the Prof needs to be declared a bosky someone needs to put an actual leash on his hide. Quite frankly the man is to dangerous to run around loose like he has. Jet, you know me, I was right there with you taking down some of those Boskone mads you mentioned and while the prof is not malicious like they were the fact of the matter is that his negligence and the negligence of his caretakers might mean me having to shoot him one of these days simply because some bosky decided he wanted to entice the prof with some neat bit of tech or mystery and there was a group of innocents involved.
Its quite clear that the prof when he hasn't had his sleep is non copus mentus, however, the fact of the matter is that it is the responsibility of him and his caretakers/crew to ensure that he maintains a clear circadian cycle to maintain his level of reason. It is apparent by this incident that they can not be trusted to do so. I am afraid that if something isn't done to change the situation that is the professor that one day I'm going to find myself hunting him for some reason other than the Frog bounty.
Also, lets be frank here people, all of us have blue hair days to one extent or another, and some of them are more dangerous than others. If i was someone who gave into their need to build easily it could just as well be me people were banning simply because i built another space weapon. Have i built them, not always, but i have also destroyed them while saving the blueprints in a secure server with OGJ and the Convention. The problem with that is that while what i build could possibly destroy habitats, the Professor's work tends to destroy lives, especially that of Friezes. I mean lets be honest with each other here, the entire reason he built the JFM in the first place was so that he would have a ready supply of both assistants and test subjects. The problem with that is that we recognize the Friezes as Sapients and thus worthy of protection under convention rules, What Chris did was in my eyes not only the right thing to do but the appropriate thing to do no matter the Professor's reasons.
In closing i think that the Professor needs to be committed to a facility that while it will assist him in building things for the convention it will mandate and ensure, by medicated force if necessary, that he get at least eight hours of sleep in any 48 hour period.
James Wolfboy Bostwick