1) S and apostrophes, gets me every freaking time.
2) I'm sure there are people in Fenspace who think that. Some of them probably fall into the 'danger to themselves and others' category
3) That's part of the reason Malcolm wants Jeph to share it with the SMOF-ML. Because her viewpoint, and that of her helpers, are the sort he needs to get this thing working properly. Because not all Mads are as healthy as her, but Kasumi and co might be able to think of the things their helpers would really need.
4) No, her helpers were just a well known example of a Mad making helpers, just like the Professors assistants.
5) No, Katie was thinking of Kasumi, Greenpeace and the others, not Sora and co. If Katie was thinking of anyone related to Stellvia proper, it would have been Kohran. More particularly, the 'Kaboomite right next to a freaking 'con' incident.
2) I'm sure there are people in Fenspace who think that. Some of them probably fall into the 'danger to themselves and others' category
3) That's part of the reason Malcolm wants Jeph to share it with the SMOF-ML. Because her viewpoint, and that of her helpers, are the sort he needs to get this thing working properly. Because not all Mads are as healthy as her, but Kasumi and co might be able to think of the things their helpers would really need.
4) No, her helpers were just a well known example of a Mad making helpers, just like the Professors assistants.
5) No, Katie was thinking of Kasumi, Greenpeace and the others, not Sora and co. If Katie was thinking of anyone related to Stellvia proper, it would have been Kohran. More particularly, the 'Kaboomite right next to a freaking 'con' incident.