from: ChrisWood@VoidShipping.fen
to: ford.sierra@heavyarms.fen
subj: On the Mackie-chan issue.
One of my ships, the Silver Hawk, is making a delivery to Frigga on Thursday. If you and Jet are willing, I'd appreciate it if you could give her captain a copy of what data you managed to recover from the flight recorder. The kids have some tricks they haven't shared with the Hacker Underspace, and Kitbash thinks she might be able to get some usable data out of it. (Even if she can't get anything, I think Kit needs to try. Even if it's receded a bit, her crush on Mackie never quite went away. Plus, well she's never handled people she cares about nearly being killed.)
On a lighter note, let me know when you think Mackie-chan has recovered enough for a little torment. I still owe him for the camera incident, after all.
- C
to: ford.sierra@heavyarms.fen
subj: On the Mackie-chan issue.
One of my ships, the Silver Hawk, is making a delivery to Frigga on Thursday. If you and Jet are willing, I'd appreciate it if you could give her captain a copy of what data you managed to recover from the flight recorder. The kids have some tricks they haven't shared with the Hacker Underspace, and Kitbash thinks she might be able to get some usable data out of it. (Even if she can't get anything, I think Kit needs to try. Even if it's receded a bit, her crush on Mackie never quite went away. Plus, well she's never handled people she cares about nearly being killed.)
On a lighter note, let me know when you think Mackie-chan has recovered enough for a little torment. I still owe him for the camera incident, after all.
- C