from: ChrisWood@VoidShipping.fen
to: ford.sierra@heavyarms.fen
subj: Re: Mackie-chan
Hmm. Joking about teasing him aside, if you and Jet think he's not dealing with what led up to it, let me know. I can make a visit out there for a little moral support. Yeah, I know Jet's been there before, and so have you, but the path my dance on that razors edge went might make me a better shoulder to lean on.
to: ford.sierra@heavyarms.fen
subj: Re: Mackie-chan
Hmm. Joking about teasing him aside, if you and Jet think he's not dealing with what led up to it, let me know. I can make a visit out there for a little moral support. Yeah, I know Jet's been there before, and so have you, but the path my dance on that razors edge went might make me a better shoulder to lean on.