Star Crash, and build the golden Imperial battleship for the express reasons of: A)presenting long, drawn-out holographic expositions to denizens of Fen Space, and B)Being able to verbally enact the, "Imperial Battleship, HALT the flow of time!"(for two whole minutes!) order and have it actually work!
Whoops! That first reason has more to do with the second giant battleship that he'd build, Lord Sador's Hammerhead! His Stellar Converter is way less fun than his Wizard of Oz class giant head holography unit! Mu ha ha ha ha! Exposit, exposit exposit!
Limits are good to have.
Whoops! That first reason has more to do with the second giant battleship that he'd build, Lord Sador's Hammerhead! His Stellar Converter is way less fun than his Wizard of Oz class giant head holography unit! Mu ha ha ha ha! Exposit, exposit exposit!
Limits are good to have.