Dakota is not one to go willingly in front of a camera.
He is semi-involved in TV and movie production. Ether directly part of a special effects team or providing holo projectors and control systems. Being where he makes a good chunk of his money and one of the driving reasons he had the Lunar Fox built. So his name and/or his business Holo Neon does crop up in credits from time to time.
Sabre Fang
He is semi-involved in TV and movie production. Ether directly part of a special effects team or providing holo projectors and control systems. Being where he makes a good chunk of his money and one of the driving reasons he had the Lunar Fox built. So his name and/or his business Holo Neon does crop up in credits from time to time.
Sabre Fang
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel
Dihydrogen monoxide
Containment Vessel