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Crew Call. DBF
Ta failte romhat ar bhord... (Bloody keyboard can't do fada's)


To: Commander SL Roin
SUBJ: Mundane installation in South China Sea
See Attached Briefing Notes: Chinese artificial islands in South China Sea. ‘Operation Stingray’ Exercise 1996 (USN): Study on Asymmetric Combat using Conventional Submarines. Preliminary conclusions on facility AR1558. Personnel File Addendum. Peoples Liberation Army Navy assets in the South China Sea.


As detailed, the Chinese Government has constructed a number of artificial islands throughout the South China Sea with the purpose of legitimizing Chinese claims to an extended Exclusive Economic Zone. These islands are protected by a network of lightly armed naval and naval aviation installations to defend against intrusions by foreign enemy fleets. Seventeen of these islands have been equipped with collapsible dish antennae with a dozen more under construction. It is suspected that the completed array will be used for communications interception.

It is suspected but cannot be proven at this that the completed array will have Interwave capabilities.

One such island, designated AR1558, has been built into a larger facility. Intelligence suggests that this facility acts as a nexus for information gathered by the array, which is then transmitted to the Chinese mainland using an underwater cable.

Technical Background:
Exercises performed with conventionally powered submarines have shown them, in the short term, to be capable of evading detection in extreme proximity to enemy vessels and installation where plant noise would reveal the presence of nuclear powered vessels.

GUPPY-II diesel submarines such as the former ROCS Hai-Pao were steadily upgraded throughout their service lives with uprated sonar systems and improved battery capacities to improve their underwater performance.

While arguably greatly deficient in many areas. On battery power it is quite possible for a conventional submarine to have near zero moving parts and hence, to operate extremely quietly. With direct drive electric motors it is expected that a slow-moving diesel submarine will be capable of approaching shore installations with a higher degree of stealth, with the capability of resting on a silty bottom motionless for days at a time without concern for reactor cooling or intake silting.

In noisier littoral waters around an active naval installation, it is highly likely a smaller diesel-powered vessel will remain undetected.

Of course, this unique advantage lasts only so long as the battery capacity of the boat in question

Political Background:

The Chinese government has laid claim to a large swath of the South China Sea. For two decades this claim has been disputed by surrounding nations who fear loss of economic sovereignty and access to sub-sea resources including fisheries rights and mineral and oil extraction rights.

China will not provoke a direct armed conflict with any of them for fear of the United States involvement.

These nations will not risk provoking a direct armed conflict with China for fear of the United States not getting involved.

The United States will not risk provoking a direct armed conflict with China for fear of the rest of the world getting involved.

For obvious reasons, the Fenspace convention cannot risk provoking a direct conflict with a mundane power.

It would be best if this mission never existed.

Mission Objectives:
1: SL Roin to file depart as scheduled for heavy lift from Yokohama and to file official navigation plans detailing such journey.

2: Once clear of land, SL Roin to change course.

3: While remaining undetected by mundane shipping SL Roin is to infiltrate the waters surrounding AR1558.

4: SL Roin is to locate the cable in shallow waters and plot its direction for future interception in deeper waters by a specialist vessel.

5: SL Roin to prioritise remaining undetected.

Secondary objectives.
1: Without compromising the secrecy of the mission, civilian specialists aboard SL Roin are to attempt to place an optic tap on the cable. Completion of this objective is at the discretion of the commander.

Adversary assets:
It is suspected that some form of underwater hydrophone array has been installed surrounded the island.

Reported surface assets include:
Luzhou-class Destroyer
2x Jiangkai-II class Frigates on patrol
Multiple motor torpedo boats of various type.

Submarine assets are known to regularly include at least one Shang-type submarine on station nearby.

Offensive Airborne combat assets operating from an airfield on nearby AR1552:
At least two squadron strength units equipped with Shenyang J11 aircraft.
At least one squadron strength unit equipped with Xiang H-6 bomber aircraft.

A full briefing on all possible enemy assets has been included.


It is recommended that you take full advantage of the civilian specialists who will be accompanying this mission. They each have prior experience in handling of submarines, or undertaking similar missions under adverse conditions.
It is recommended that AR1558 be approached either at night, or at a time of high shipping traffic to minimize the likelihood of being detected.
Adverse weather conditions may provide assistance in accessing littoral waters surrounding AR1558.

6: SL Roin to vacate AR1558 and attempt arrive in Yokohama as scheduled. A late arrival is to be explained as a mechanical malfunction or other malady.

7: Payment will be delivered on mission completion

Good Luck, Captain.


Anne’s green eyes narrowed to dark slits as she regarded the woman wearing a loose-fit Hawaiian-print t-shirt over the top of the tablet.

“Are you for real?”

Her canine’s punctuated it with a faint lisp.

“Yes. Captain.” Answered the willowy blonde. “And, aside from the monetary reward, any ship or crew assisting this mission would receive something of even greater value.”

“And that would be?”

Our gratitude, ma’am.”

No points for guessing whom would be grateful.

“You really think we can do it?”

“I was a participant in the exercise, ma’am. Chinese military assets are focused elsewhere against more advanced targets. There is a good chance we will pass unnoticed.”

The felinoid captain stared. The blonde went rigid.

“Relax. We’re in,” said Anne, settling back into her chair. “It wouldn’t be the riskiest mission we’ve taken on. Not by half.”

Emily exhaled a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding.

--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

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