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Hey Bob....
Re: Hey Bob....
I haven't made any global changes. When Offsides was over our place on Sunday and we were setting him up as a moderator, I discovered an administrator menu which lets you set custom descriptions on a per-user basis. So Josh and I had some fun with it. The descriptions are "sticky", btw; I forget which topic it's in, but there's one message which lists Josh as "Conductor", and even though we changed the description to the G&S reference, it stayed.
At the moment, the only descriptions that I have changed have been mine, Josh's, and adding "Prereader" where it's appropriate.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Messages In This Thread
Hey Bob.... - by Star Ranger4 - 01-17-2003, 11:31 AM
Re: Hey Bob.... - by Offsides - 01-17-2003, 12:12 PM
Re: Hey Bob.... - by Bob Schroeck - 01-17-2003, 04:31 PM
Re: Hey Bob.... - by Valles - 01-17-2003, 06:13 PM

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