Yes the pay raise's total cost is pocket change, but most of my problem is with the automatic and underhanded nature of that pay raise.
The automatic nature of this and other pay raises is simply a greedy and dishonest attempt at misdirection by our politicians to try and remove yet another
negative feedback from the control voters have on them.
Both parties voted this autopayraise into place years ago when it started to be clear that the current office holder was losing significant numbers of votes
every time they voted themselves a pay raise especially when there was an economic down turn..
Ultimately the government is an employee of the American people and it is never a good idea to give the employees to much control of thier own pay check.
In addition our government is a monopoly and any monopoly needs all the negative feedback mechanisms you can put into place otherwise the monopoly is going to
cause problems and failures sooner or later.
Take as an example the current problems of several American car makers. It can be argued that at least one of the many problems that put the car makers in or
near backruptcy is the unrecognized monopoly the United Auto Workers Union have over the car makers ability to gain workers for thier plants.
Another example is the teamsters unions and it's monopoly on railroad workers. It can be argued that a significant part of the trucking industry's
ability to compete so easily with the more fuel efficent train network is the fact that the trucking industry is largely non-union or at most several small
non-monopoly unions that are forced to compete against each other.
I personally think Unions should be recognized as corperations and treated as such especially when they grow to monopolistic levels of control of any
industries pool of labour.
I even go a step further and say that if back when the phone company was being broken up they had continued and forced the UAW or United Auto Workers to break
up into several competing unions then today we would be seeing at least one less car company looking at bankruptcy.
The Government is by necessity a monopoly so other methods of enforcing negative feedback into it's operation are needed. The more votes the voters have
to make or the more decisions the government employees have to take direct responsibility for the better they will do thier job.
Valles you mentioned that it might be a good idea to keep the pay comparable to the public sector and that isn't a bad argument, but that argument is
probably going to soon become an argument for giving them a pay cut. Our country is entering a economic down turn that will almost certainly see large sections
of the public sector's wages being cut and if we want to keep our government employees at pay levels comparable with the current economic conditions then
they will be looking at having their wages cut or at least frozen.
howard melton
God bless
The automatic nature of this and other pay raises is simply a greedy and dishonest attempt at misdirection by our politicians to try and remove yet another
negative feedback from the control voters have on them.
Both parties voted this autopayraise into place years ago when it started to be clear that the current office holder was losing significant numbers of votes
every time they voted themselves a pay raise especially when there was an economic down turn..
Ultimately the government is an employee of the American people and it is never a good idea to give the employees to much control of thier own pay check.
In addition our government is a monopoly and any monopoly needs all the negative feedback mechanisms you can put into place otherwise the monopoly is going to
cause problems and failures sooner or later.
Take as an example the current problems of several American car makers. It can be argued that at least one of the many problems that put the car makers in or
near backruptcy is the unrecognized monopoly the United Auto Workers Union have over the car makers ability to gain workers for thier plants.
Another example is the teamsters unions and it's monopoly on railroad workers. It can be argued that a significant part of the trucking industry's
ability to compete so easily with the more fuel efficent train network is the fact that the trucking industry is largely non-union or at most several small
non-monopoly unions that are forced to compete against each other.
I personally think Unions should be recognized as corperations and treated as such especially when they grow to monopolistic levels of control of any
industries pool of labour.
I even go a step further and say that if back when the phone company was being broken up they had continued and forced the UAW or United Auto Workers to break
up into several competing unions then today we would be seeing at least one less car company looking at bankruptcy.
The Government is by necessity a monopoly so other methods of enforcing negative feedback into it's operation are needed. The more votes the voters have
to make or the more decisions the government employees have to take direct responsibility for the better they will do thier job.
Valles you mentioned that it might be a good idea to keep the pay comparable to the public sector and that isn't a bad argument, but that argument is
probably going to soon become an argument for giving them a pay cut. Our country is entering a economic down turn that will almost certainly see large sections
of the public sector's wages being cut and if we want to keep our government employees at pay levels comparable with the current economic conditions then
they will be looking at having their wages cut or at least frozen.
howard melton
God bless