Quote: Fidoohki wrote:1: A cop is never going to order you to run into a burning building because that is insane and any cop who did so would be
I disagree. If a cop that is occupied with another matter orders me to break into
someone's house because it is in fire and I refuse I'm at least morally responsible
if anyone dies on account of it. Also if I agree and haul someone out I shouldn't be
sued by that person on account I was under order. Now they could sue the police
for giving the order but I'm protected.
stripped of his badge. The same as if a cop ordered you to go rush at a man spraying a macine gun into a crowd.
2: What the telecoms did was not the equivalent of running into a urning building and shame on you for suggesting there is any equivalence. What the telecoms
did was the equivalent of "If a Cop ordered you to go break into someone's house and steal incriminating evidence from your closet because he can not
get a legal warrant". At that point the cop is facinfg criminal charges and you should face civil charges and possibly criminal charges as well.
3: The "I was just following orders" defense is bullshit.