Quote: 1: A cop is never going to order you to run into a burning building because that is insane and any cop who did so would be stripped of hisIt's a hypothetical situation and it was meant as an extreme scenario. A lot would have to
badge. The same as if a cop ordered you to go rush at a man spraying a macine gun into a crowd.
go wrong for it to reach that point. However, the main point is simple: Is the world supposed
to live in a ' I can't help I might get sued.' society? beccause that seems to be what you want...
and for the record, if it provided enough of a distraction to save others then I might charge
a machine gun wielding make under orders. To be punished because I did and survived is
Quote: 2: What the telecoms did was not the equivalent of running into a urning building and shame on you for suggesting there is any equivalence. What the telecoms
did was the equivalent of "If a Cop ordered you to go break into someone's house and steal incriminating evidence from your closet because he can
not get a legal warrant". At that point the cop is facinfg criminal charges and you should face civil charges and possibly criminal charges as well.
That wasn't it. They were tracking foreign calls that could have been plotting another 9/11
type event. which is a pretty close analogy depending on your point of view.I, for one, am
glad these Telecom companies decided not to roll the dice and potentially risk innocent
people lives over inconviencing some people. I think our disagreement comes down to
perspective. I see this as a war which means normal rules have to change. You might see it
as a police matter where the rules can't change. *shrugs*
Quote: 3: The "I was just following orders" defense is bullshitI think it's a fine line between that defense being bs or not. it has to be wieghed on
a case by case basis. Just like any other defense.