Quote: Fidoohki wrote:This is a false dichotomy. There has been no proof that this warrantless wiretapping was doing any good on stopping terrorism and since proof has
Are your values worth more than a innocent human life?
come out that the major target of this grossly illegal and unethical conduct was the media then I can't see how you can defend it on those
The "ticking time bomb" bullshit is just that, bullshit. It is manufactured by right wing hawks who don't have values to
compromise. They don't care about innocent life, they just care about grabbing more power for themselves. They talk about innocent lives because that how
they can sell it to people who aren't brave enough to stand up for their rights. They sell it by scaring you. For crying out loud, you managed to survive
seventy years in a land without the Patriot Act and illegal wiretaps. Don't give me that "the world has changed" bullshit either. The
fundamentals of thw world have not changed. We live in free societies. And part of the price of a free society is that we have to be fucking adults and realise
that the government can not protect us 100% of the time.
To sum up my thougts on the matter: We do not have to choose between our ideals and our safety.