Fidhooki pulled some numbers out of his arse, and waved them about like a fine Cuban cigar.
The term is defeat in detail. You lose that 1% here. You lose that 1% there. Every time you feel threatened and your fear fuelled sphincter takes a bite
out of your chair, you give away a little more freedom. Soon you are left with none. You are giving up a real and tangible freedom, for a double dose of long
odds probability; the probability that an attack will occur, and the probability that the freedom you gave up will be instrumental in detecting and preventing
that attack.
It is like buying a lottery ticket, but instead of your money, you are buying it with your freedom - and not just yours, everyone elses.
And what is truly fucking sad, is that you are not getting the protection that your think you are buying with your freedom. You are no safer. As you stand in
the line to board the plane with your shoes in your hands, your liquids in small containers, and your balls long absent; you are no safer than your were before
those rules were put in place.
You seem to have a hard-on about saving lives. This in and of itself is laudable; but instead of slamming this laudable focus somewhere of benefit to all
parties, you are waving it about futiley, and introducing it where it is both unwelcome and unwarranted.
Quote: Are you alright with keeping all the freedom you have at the price of an increased risk, even if that risk is small ((1-2%)),
that someone else might die because of it and a EQUAL reduction ((1-2%)of your freedom could reduce that?
The term is defeat in detail. You lose that 1% here. You lose that 1% there. Every time you feel threatened and your fear fuelled sphincter takes a bite
out of your chair, you give away a little more freedom. Soon you are left with none. You are giving up a real and tangible freedom, for a double dose of long
odds probability; the probability that an attack will occur, and the probability that the freedom you gave up will be instrumental in detecting and preventing
that attack.
It is like buying a lottery ticket, but instead of your money, you are buying it with your freedom - and not just yours, everyone elses.
And what is truly fucking sad, is that you are not getting the protection that your think you are buying with your freedom. You are no safer. As you stand in
the line to board the plane with your shoes in your hands, your liquids in small containers, and your balls long absent; you are no safer than your were before
those rules were put in place.
You seem to have a hard-on about saving lives. This in and of itself is laudable; but instead of slamming this laudable focus somewhere of benefit to all
parties, you are waving it about futiley, and introducing it where it is both unwelcome and unwarranted.