Quote: Logan Darklighter wrote:Ah roll eyes smiley, where are you?
Please get it right. Nobody impeached Clinton over sex. The charges were perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.
Yes he was impeached for perjury. For lying about sex. It was a witchhunt, and when they couldn't get him for any actual crimes, they got
him for the horrible crime of lying about sex on the stand. Let me be clear here: Clinton did not lie about national security or politics or the economy or a
dozen other things. He lied about having sex with someone and thus committed perjury. Yes, perjury is wrong and yes he should be punished. He was.
Meanwhile, George Bush II tortured human beings. But hey, he never lied about it (under oath) so that's a-okay!
One of these two men commited a WAR CRIME and yet the one you are harping on is Clinton and a fucking lie about his sex life. Where the HELL
was your righteous fuckign indignation when your sitting fucking president was authorizing the torture of innocent fucking humans beings.