Yeah, I hate to break it to you Bluemage but your mother is a bigot, and you should tell her she is a bigot.
Marriage is about as sacred to the Christian Church as Valentine's Day is. It wasn't even a sacrement until six-hundred or so years ago.
Or let's put this another way:
The Unitarian Church is currently willing to marry gay people. It is a church, a religious organization, and it is marrying gay people. Reckonizing them in its
faith as married. So, now you want to make it so that they CAN'T be married, even if a religious faith wants to do so? That's fuckign vile, I'm
sorry. Allowing anyone (gay or straight) to be married is a valuabel part of religious freedom because if you refuse to allow them to you are suppressing
someone's faith. maybe not the faith of your mother (which is vile) but the faith of everybody, in every religion. because if you suppress the ability of
one church to marry its parishoners you are repressing religious rights.
So go tell your mother she is wrong. If the Unitarians (or the Wiccans or whoever) want to have people be married, then they can be married.
Marriage isn't a word that belongs to fucking Christianity.
Marriage is about as sacred to the Christian Church as Valentine's Day is. It wasn't even a sacrement until six-hundred or so years ago.
Or let's put this another way:
The Unitarian Church is currently willing to marry gay people. It is a church, a religious organization, and it is marrying gay people. Reckonizing them in its
faith as married. So, now you want to make it so that they CAN'T be married, even if a religious faith wants to do so? That's fuckign vile, I'm
sorry. Allowing anyone (gay or straight) to be married is a valuabel part of religious freedom because if you refuse to allow them to you are suppressing
someone's faith. maybe not the faith of your mother (which is vile) but the faith of everybody, in every religion. because if you suppress the ability of
one church to marry its parishoners you are repressing religious rights.
So go tell your mother she is wrong. If the Unitarians (or the Wiccans or whoever) want to have people be married, then they can be married.
Marriage isn't a word that belongs to fucking Christianity.