Oi freaking vey...
My mom, as devout a Babtist Christian as she is, thinks this man is a fool. My mom and I have some disagreements on religion, but she's still sharp as a
tack and can tell when someone else... isn't.
I'm somewhat less polite about it. I WOULD say that the man is senile. But he's been like this for decades. I can't say I ever took him seriously,
but after 9-11, he earned my utter contempt and I wish they'd USE senility as an excuse to put him away in an old folks home so that he wouldn't KEEP
My mom, as devout a Babtist Christian as she is, thinks this man is a fool. My mom and I have some disagreements on religion, but she's still sharp as a
tack and can tell when someone else... isn't.
I'm somewhat less polite about it. I WOULD say that the man is senile. But he's been like this for decades. I can't say I ever took him seriously,
but after 9-11, he earned my utter contempt and I wish they'd USE senility as an excuse to put him away in an old folks home so that he wouldn't KEEP