Bob Schroeck Wrote:Robertson's people are now backpedaling furiously and claiming he never said anything of the sort. Article here.
Well, he *didn't*, or at least not the way it's apparently being reported. Apparently it's not supposed to be "divine retribution", it's the devil responsible for the earthquake or something.
The way I heard it on the radio, it sounded like an interesting story, except he never got to the part where a great hero rises to break evil's grip on the land. In his philosophy I guess you're supposed to leave that to god. I think I'd have an easier time believing in a god who favors a more proactive approach...
I'm stunned by the commentator who said "Rush's comments were cynical," like it's some great realization. Has there been anything Obama's done that Rush hasn't had a cynical view of? His being cynical here isn't new or surprising.