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While we're on the topic, here's a great little link I stumbled over -- a Daily Kos post about the ... Wrote-THIS]Republican party platform of 1956. The author of the piece admits he cherry-picked the choicest bits, but he still makes a good point -- the modern Republican party is so divorced from its roots that it would consider its own members during the nigh-legendary "golden age" they like to paint the 1950s as -- a classically Republican era and practically the definition of "proper America" to them -- to be a bunch of dangerous left-wing radicals.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Messages In This Thread
Submitted without comment. - by Wiregeek - 02-12-2010, 05:32 AM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-12-2010, 07:54 AM
[No subject] - by Epsilon - 02-12-2010, 08:43 AM
[No subject] - by ECSNorway - 02-12-2010, 03:45 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-15-2010, 07:18 PM
[No subject] - by ECSNorway - 02-15-2010, 07:30 PM
[No subject] - by khagler - 02-16-2010, 09:05 AM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-16-2010, 05:33 PM
[No subject] - by ECSNorway - 02-16-2010, 10:17 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-17-2010, 06:15 AM
[No subject] - by Ayiekie - 02-17-2010, 06:29 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-17-2010, 12:12 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-17-2010, 05:06 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-18-2010, 04:01 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-18-2010, 05:42 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-20-2010, 08:01 AM
[No subject] - by Ayiekie - 02-21-2010, 01:00 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-21-2010, 11:38 AM
[No subject] - by Logan Darklighter - 02-21-2010, 03:33 PM
[No subject] - by Ayiekie - 02-22-2010, 04:15 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 02-22-2010, 03:05 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 02-22-2010, 05:37 PM
[No subject] - by Foxboy - 02-22-2010, 08:05 PM

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