Also, at least when done in the style of American jurisprudence, IIRC it's actually more expensive to put someone on Death Row - what with verification, appeals, and the like - than to lock them up for eighty years.
So, on a purely utilitarian level, it should probably be done away with. Personally, I can't say I care either way, much as with gun ownership. 'State's Rights', OTOH, is a pointless historical curiosity that has no place in a practical discussion of lawmaking.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
So, on a purely utilitarian level, it should probably be done away with. Personally, I can't say I care either way, much as with gun ownership. 'State's Rights', OTOH, is a pointless historical curiosity that has no place in a practical discussion of lawmaking.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."