Anyone who can't see what the problem is here is someone I can't take seriously as a thinking person.
I've tried learning more about Islam for the better part of a decade in an honest attempt to "understand" and the more I learn, the more contempt and disgust I have for the "religion of peace".
I've finally come to the conclusion that there is no true coexistence possible. The core tenet of Islam is conquest and submission or "dhimmitude" for those that are conquered. Every place in the world Islam has touched has become a shit-hole. Those who dare leave the faith have to go into hiding lest they be killed. You think intolerance for gays is bad in America? FEH. 10 Billion times worse in any Muslim country. Look up "female genital mutilation" for a real horror show.
We need to FIGHT. Preferably with peaceful methods NOW before it becomes necessary to fight for real and shed real blood later. But fight we will.
Stick your head in the sand all you like. Call me a bigot all you like. The reality will catch up with you sooner or later.
As far as "rights" go. The PEOPLE have a right to oppose this. They have the right to try and stop this Mosque - this slap in the face - from being built. They have the right to assemble and have their voice heard. And to try and elect politicians who will actually listen to them.
“Lan astaslem.”
I will not submit. I will not surrender.
I've tried learning more about Islam for the better part of a decade in an honest attempt to "understand" and the more I learn, the more contempt and disgust I have for the "religion of peace".
I've finally come to the conclusion that there is no true coexistence possible. The core tenet of Islam is conquest and submission or "dhimmitude" for those that are conquered. Every place in the world Islam has touched has become a shit-hole. Those who dare leave the faith have to go into hiding lest they be killed. You think intolerance for gays is bad in America? FEH. 10 Billion times worse in any Muslim country. Look up "female genital mutilation" for a real horror show.
We need to FIGHT. Preferably with peaceful methods NOW before it becomes necessary to fight for real and shed real blood later. But fight we will.
Stick your head in the sand all you like. Call me a bigot all you like. The reality will catch up with you sooner or later.
As far as "rights" go. The PEOPLE have a right to oppose this. They have the right to try and stop this Mosque - this slap in the face - from being built. They have the right to assemble and have their voice heard. And to try and elect politicians who will actually listen to them.
“Lan astaslem.”
I will not submit. I will not surrender.