Ayiekie Wrote:I've yet to see a single study suggest that Vitamin C cures colds. Plus I'd probably never have had one in my life if it did. That it's good for you (and good at preventing scurvy!) doesn't make it any less bunk that Vitamin C tablets are sold as cold remedies.
Granted, but the comparative harm is quite low. you spend some money, spread the cold a bit and get better. Compare this with say drinking radioactive water because it's supposed to be good for you...
Or even worse that sex with a virgin will cure aids (a common belief in Africa).
Those believes do direct harm to you and those around you.
Ayiekie Wrote:And while it ventures into more controversial territory to say so, I'll also note that countless people have suffered and even been murdered due to many Westerner's conviction that a bearded man in the sky made the planet with a strict "men can't have sex with each other" rule.
Yes I did note invisible friend in the sky as a harmful belief.
Ayiekie Wrote:The more I think about it, the more depressingly close it seems "modern" society really is to this story.
I agree, the problem is with those meatbags whose mind places greater emphasis on anecdote instead of statistically significant data, and who try so hard to find patterns that they see them even if they don't exist. and where self-deception is critical to the proper functioning of the mind... Maybe if we outlaw humans the problem will go away? ;P
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."