Funny how thin-skinned you people are, when no less a liberal (and Gay!) Columnist Andrew Sullivan likes it.
Epison wrote:
So predictable.
Speaking of which, I'm expecting a long, drawn out post from Ayiekie to rake me over the coals for being a racist or homophobic cretin in 5... 4... 3...
Quote:Fox News' Mr Gutfeld proposes building a gay bar right next to the Cordoba Initiative complex in downtown Manhattan. Fantastic idea. That's exactly the right response to an expression of religious freedom: the expression of freedom for gay people as well. In fact, it's such a great idea that it could be followed across the country: gay bars right next to churches and mosques that condemn homosexuality.Mediaite's Jon Bershad calls this "one of the most brilliant pieces of provocations in recent years. ...
Quote:I, personally, think it’s a brilliant idea. I absolutely abhor all of this anti-mosque nonsense currently going on in this country. It’s disgusting bigotry plain and simple. However, just because I support Muslim Americans in their fight against anti-Islam prejudice, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get a few dings for their religion’s own prejudice against homosexuals. If you want to be treated fairly, you should treat others fairly as well. Still though, the only thing that would make this plan perfect would be if Gutfeld created a chain of gay bars and plopped them down next to churches and synagogues since it’s not like those religions have been super open-minded.Naturally I don't agree with him on the Mosque thing. but hey, if he and I can see eye to eye on this, what's not to like?
Epison wrote:
Quote:What's amazing is how ironic it is you consider this kind of shit funny. I bet you think calling someone a "fag" is funny, too.Funny how you seem to think I'm anti-gay or homophobic because of this. Way to miss the point. But then I wasn't really expecting anyone in this community to 'get it' anyway.
So predictable.
Speaking of which, I'm expecting a long, drawn out post from Ayiekie to rake me over the coals for being a racist or homophobic cretin in 5... 4... 3...