I found it interesting how conservative a few of the bits in there sounded. `.` (Although there's more than a few disturbing gaps. For instance, I notice that there's a line about protecting the right to join a union, but nothing about protecting the right to *not* join a union. Maybe that problem hasn't come up in Canada, I don't know.)
I also can't help but wonder whether they really want to practice what they're preaching in 3.1i. Almost no one really seems to.
(On a side note, "A Canadian currency and opposing moves toward a common North American currency" - Is there anybody who's trying to move *towards* a common North American currency?)
-Morgan. "You got your conservative in my liberal!" "You got your liberal in my conservative!"
I almost got my nose in-
I also can't help but wonder whether they really want to practice what they're preaching in 3.1i. Almost no one really seems to.
(On a side note, "A Canadian currency and opposing moves toward a common North American currency" - Is there anybody who's trying to move *towards* a common North American currency?)
-Morgan. "You got your conservative in my liberal!" "You got your liberal in my conservative!"
I almost got my nose in-