From the bottom of the article cited.
This is the typical, poorly researched story and they are counting on their target audience to jump onto the hyperbole bus with both feet rather than engaging the mushy gray thing that is between their ears, finish reading the article, and applying critical thinking to it. Paper trail. User verifiable paper trail.
Second. I could understand a husband and wife talking about who they voted for; I am less likely to talk others voting at the same time. Is this an American thing? Additionally, none of these voters thought to mention this odd phenomenon to staff at the location; as noted in the follow up story. Yeah.... We might have a veracity problem here. Odd that the other 137,000 early voters didn't notice or mention anything. Just this small clique of like minded voters spontaneously comparing notes.
What is this good for. Exploding over right wing blogs with dire threats and Glen-Beck-equse conspiracy mongering.
What utter tosh.
Quote:Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there is no voterYep, check the screen, check the fucking paper trail. Fraud my hairy Canadian arse.
fraud, although the issues do come up because the touch-screens are
sensitive. For that reason, a person may not want to have their fingers
linger too long on the screen after they make a selection at any time."Especially
in a community with elderly citizens (they have) difficulty in (casting
their) ballot," Lomax said. "Team leaders said there were complaints
(and the) race filled in."At any time, voters can go back on the
screen and review their selections. They are also allowed to make
changes and encouraged to double-check their ballot on screen and on
paper before it is cast.Lomax said voters need to have faith in the system."This
election, I think, more than ever," he said. "The two sides are very
fractured and each side is suspicious and we're caught in the middle.
This is the typical, poorly researched story and they are counting on their target audience to jump onto the hyperbole bus with both feet rather than engaging the mushy gray thing that is between their ears, finish reading the article, and applying critical thinking to it. Paper trail. User verifiable paper trail.
Second. I could understand a husband and wife talking about who they voted for; I am less likely to talk others voting at the same time. Is this an American thing? Additionally, none of these voters thought to mention this odd phenomenon to staff at the location; as noted in the follow up story. Yeah.... We might have a veracity problem here. Odd that the other 137,000 early voters didn't notice or mention anything. Just this small clique of like minded voters spontaneously comparing notes.
What is this good for. Exploding over right wing blogs with dire threats and Glen-Beck-equse conspiracy mongering.
What utter tosh.