You started this shindig Norway, let's continue to ride!
Tea Party plans to actively suppress votes.
Yes, you read correctly. The Tea Party plans to send special squads around on election day, harassing people, videotaping them, challenging them to "question individual voters at the polls whom they suspect of being ineligible." (Read as black or hispanic.) Harassement and intimidation is endemic, and somehow always targets groups who are seen to support Democrats. Isn't that funny!
Yup, the problem here is obviously some old farts in Vegas who can't figure out how to work a voting machine.
Tea Party plans to actively suppress votes.
Yes, you read correctly. The Tea Party plans to send special squads around on election day, harassing people, videotaping them, challenging them to "question individual voters at the polls whom they suspect of being ineligible." (Read as black or hispanic.) Harassement and intimidation is endemic, and somehow always targets groups who are seen to support Democrats. Isn't that funny!
Yup, the problem here is obviously some old farts in Vegas who can't figure out how to work a voting machine.