That's the nature of people. They care about things that directly affect them and their lives, their own constituency, their own local problems, rather than those that are far away.... known only through newspaper and television. It doesn't help that most of what you see on TV has the inherent unreality of the medium ingrained on the mind along with it. How many times were we all told as children by our parents that "It's on the TV, so it isn't real", or something similar? Something about TV news just doesn't seem real until you meet the people who were there and involved.
Taxes are things we see... taxes intrude on our lives. So does the Government. So does the provision of healthcare, or insurance. So does employment, or whether there's a proper bloody footbridge across the canal leading to the train station, rather than having to play 'dodge the HGV' on a humpbacked roadbridge built when Pontius was a Pilot.
It really is just human nature. An unfortunate aspect perhaps, and one I'm aware of in myself.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Taxes are things we see... taxes intrude on our lives. So does the Government. So does the provision of healthcare, or insurance. So does employment, or whether there's a proper bloody footbridge across the canal leading to the train station, rather than having to play 'dodge the HGV' on a humpbacked roadbridge built when Pontius was a Pilot.
It really is just human nature. An unfortunate aspect perhaps, and one I'm aware of in myself.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?