I think what he's saying here is that he tried to investigate the matter via the normal accepted process and was blocked at every turn by his peers. As Climategate has proven, it's -their- data that is in question.
I'm with Dartz on this. Is the climate changing? Sure it is! All the
time! But what's the actual cause? Is it Anthropogenic (manmade)? Or is
it the natural cycle of things? Well now the waters have been thoroughly
muddied by Michael Mann and friends. They almost had everyone convinced
of their POV but then, the most inconvenient thing happened. The truth
got out. Oops! Now who and what do we believe? Certainly not the CRU and
the IPCC any more!
I'm in total agreement as well with the idea
that the world of man is going to change because the climate is, not
the other way around.
Do you know how much warmer it was during
the time of the Roman Empire? Pretty damn warm by todays standards. It
was a part of the reason why the Roman Empire had it so good for
hundreds of years because of good, warm and long growing seasons
throughout the Empire. As it got noticeably colder near the last couple
hundred years and food production became more difficult, it contributed
to the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark Ages.
James Burke once half-joked (it was either in one of his Connections
series or The Day the Universe Changed, I can't remember now) that the
Dark Ages were dark because it was bloody cold!
I've said it before, here and elsewhere - are we so sure that a few
degrees warmer is a bad thing? Well the obvious counter-argument is 'not
if it keeps going!' And yes, if we got to the point of a runaway
greenhouse effect that would be bad. But based on the real data
(NOT-jacked with!) and historical record that we have, it doesn't seem
likely that's going to happen. It seems more likely that this is part of
a natural cycle.
Still, would it better to pollute less regardless of climate
change/global warming? Absolutely. As long as that new tech is actually
better/more productive than the old. Would I buy an all-electric car?
No. The tech isn't (quite) there yet. Though some examples have been
very impressive. (Tesla Roadster - WOW!) But I might buy a hybrid.
(especially these days with the cost of fuel skyrocketing.)
I'm with Dartz on this. Is the climate changing? Sure it is! All the
time! But what's the actual cause? Is it Anthropogenic (manmade)? Or is
it the natural cycle of things? Well now the waters have been thoroughly
muddied by Michael Mann and friends. They almost had everyone convinced
of their POV but then, the most inconvenient thing happened. The truth
got out. Oops! Now who and what do we believe? Certainly not the CRU and
the IPCC any more!
I'm in total agreement as well with the idea
that the world of man is going to change because the climate is, not
the other way around.
Do you know how much warmer it was during
the time of the Roman Empire? Pretty damn warm by todays standards. It
was a part of the reason why the Roman Empire had it so good for
hundreds of years because of good, warm and long growing seasons
throughout the Empire. As it got noticeably colder near the last couple
hundred years and food production became more difficult, it contributed
to the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark Ages.
James Burke once half-joked (it was either in one of his Connections
series or The Day the Universe Changed, I can't remember now) that the
Dark Ages were dark because it was bloody cold!
I've said it before, here and elsewhere - are we so sure that a few
degrees warmer is a bad thing? Well the obvious counter-argument is 'not
if it keeps going!' And yes, if we got to the point of a runaway
greenhouse effect that would be bad. But based on the real data
(NOT-jacked with!) and historical record that we have, it doesn't seem
likely that's going to happen. It seems more likely that this is part of
a natural cycle.
Still, would it better to pollute less regardless of climate
change/global warming? Absolutely. As long as that new tech is actually
better/more productive than the old. Would I buy an all-electric car?
No. The tech isn't (quite) there yet. Though some examples have been
very impressive. (Tesla Roadster - WOW!) But I might buy a hybrid.
(especially these days with the cost of fuel skyrocketing.)