Statistics for Dartz.
Top 20% of the population starts at an annual income of $91,705.
Bottom 20% of the population makes $19,178 or less.
Top 20% of the population starts at an annual income of $83,500.
Bottom 20% of the population makes $17,970 or less.
These are not tax-return figures, these are from the overall population, so they include those who've fallen off the bottom of the tax rolls.
As for the "widening gap", the bottom of the top 20% rose by 10.18% from 2001 to 2005. The top of the bottom 20% rose by 14.88%. In other words, the poor are getting wealthier faster than the rich are.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Top 20% of the population starts at an annual income of $91,705.
Bottom 20% of the population makes $19,178 or less.
Top 20% of the population starts at an annual income of $83,500.
Bottom 20% of the population makes $17,970 or less.
These are not tax-return figures, these are from the overall population, so they include those who've fallen off the bottom of the tax rolls.
As for the "widening gap", the bottom of the top 20% rose by 10.18% from 2001 to 2005. The top of the bottom 20% rose by 14.88%. In other words, the poor are getting wealthier faster than the rich are.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.