ordnance11 Wrote:Because now Congress is going to be extremely leery of giving them any more bakseesh for thier putative help. Let's face it, the Pakistanis having been playing a double game. I'm more going with placing him at sea to prevent any shrines to his quote "martrydom". Should had blown up the compound also, but I understand the strict timetable.Ursula Vernon also pointed out that many people are going through a catharsis, and to let them do it.
Rob, we are celebrating (and rubbing it in the eyes of every jihadi out there) that it may have taken a long time to get Bin Laden, but he didn't die in bed. He had been more or less taunting the U.S that for all our might, we could not catch Public Enemy #1. Well we now did. And yes, #2 is a combat stategist. But does he have the makings of a leader? He may very well be just the first among equals. I suspect these guys will retaliate somewhere along the line, but I also suspect a shaking out right for a while. Look what happened to Al Fatah after Arafat croaked.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."