Quote:I don't know what it is with east coast, but it has really soured my momIf I understand right, she complains that African-Americans tend to be more hostile to Latinos, in particular assuming that every single one is an illegal immigrant? There is a history of hostility between the two communities, and it goes both ways .
on African-Americans - she swears up and down that some of the rudeest
people she's ever met are African-Americans
It seems that this kind of thing always happens when there is a new growing minority that "threatens" the "second place" position of an older entrenched minority.
Quote:Georgia did it's own version of the Alabama immigration law. Well, itAbout Georgia, there ARE legal programs for temporary work visas that could be used to legally fill these jobs that no american wants to do, even if the paperwork hassle to get them and the impossibility of staying in the USA makes them a less attractive proposition for a would-be illegal immigrant. The problem is that RIGHT NOW, when they would be needed, there isn't enough people with this visas to do the work. If they had thought this trough, the law would only start being enforced next year and it would contain some provision to encourage this work visa program. Of course, that assumes that the point was not to send whatever small farmers remain into bankruptcy for the benefit of the agroindustrial companies.
worked. Most of farm workers don't want to work there anymore. So now
they're short of farm workers and they're trying to fill the gap with