Catty; the problem there is that there really is no competitive market in health insurance.
Or, rather, there is none for the individual.
Large organizations are able to negotiate massive discounts for group purchases such as employees and students. Individuals don't get access to that.
I know, I've tried. I have a very-expensive-to-treat condition that means I cannot afford to be uninsured, ever. When I looked into the cost of private insurance the plan my employer was offering was about half the overall cost, after deductables, co-pays, and so forth.
As for Sandra Fluke, this woman is not the victim that people are trying to portray her as. She's an activist pretending to be one. She specifically and deliberately enrolled at Georgetown to create this controversy and try to force them to accept policies that violate their religious beliefs.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Or, rather, there is none for the individual.
Large organizations are able to negotiate massive discounts for group purchases such as employees and students. Individuals don't get access to that.
I know, I've tried. I have a very-expensive-to-treat condition that means I cannot afford to be uninsured, ever. When I looked into the cost of private insurance the plan my employer was offering was about half the overall cost, after deductables, co-pays, and so forth.
As for Sandra Fluke, this woman is not the victim that people are trying to portray her as. She's an activist pretending to be one. She specifically and deliberately enrolled at Georgetown to create this controversy and try to force them to accept policies that violate their religious beliefs.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.