Salvage Wrote:(Sigh.)Thesilentjackofalltrade Wrote:Salvage, BA was in the navy around the time where North Korea attacked South Korea in that little skirmish a while ago.So, because of that no one is supposed to answer side questions concerning physical limits?
He has been to South Korea, and has most likely heard their thoughts on North Korea, and remember, North and South Korea is very close in terms of culture. The government may have changed, but even after so many years they still have the culture.
I think he has every right to say what is likily going though their minds considering that he vary well may have more experience with Korea then anyone on this site.
Unless of course, we have users from South Korea, in which case, sorry guys!
He doesn't have to answer your questions, no one has to. If you want him to answer your questions, PM him.
I think he was saying that he doesn't care about where they lunch an missile, because they shouldn't be doing do in the first place with out risking the war from braking out again.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered
Quote from Julius Caesar