Glidergun Wrote:Okay, I looked that stuff over... and I gotta wonder: is Mr. Cathy still donating to these causes? Here's my findings.blackaeronaut Wrote:, for one.JFerio Wrote:I won't join you for that. CFA has a track record of donating to groups actively fighting against gay rights, and in some cases, specifically aiming to stripmine those rights, as in, make it outright illegal if they can manage it to be gay. I haven't had their food in years, nor do I plan to start.Proof?
Marriage & Family Foundation and Fellowship Of Christian Athletes are genuinely benign. About the only thing even slightly anti-gay about them is their acceptance policies. Last time I checked, you can freely choose who you want in your club. Everything thereafter is just mudslinging.
National Christian Foundation and Exodus International are definitely questionable. The NCF is a granting agency that I would label as being negligent in who they give grants to. EI, on the other hand... Well intentioned, but utterly misdirected. Don't mistake stupidity for malice and all.
The Family Research Council... They honestly make me wonder what they really research. Mr. Cathy only donated $1000 dolars - a mere pittance in the grand scheme of things, and I doubt he's donated anymore ever since that Washington Post article came out. Same with the Georgia Family Council.
Now, if you can find me something that comes from a neutral third-party site, then I might be inclined to agree with you a little more. Reason being? As much as I support the LGBT community... about 66% of them do not support the heterosexual community. No, I can't really attribute that to any particular source. However, you can go ahead and ask around. Ask people who have an LGBT friend or who are LGBT themselves. They will most likely agree with you wholeheartedly. You see, the thing is that these people want everyone in the entire world to be gay. And some of this contingent don't care if you're straight - they're of the belief that anyone can be 'turned'.
Personally, I take slight offense to that. Anytime a man lays a finger on me in a manner that I would with a consenting woman... well, lets just say that completely creeps me out. Sorry homosexual men, but while I will support your desire to be able to marry, I will not be a potential spouse, boyfriend, or even fuckbuddy. I don't mind that someone's sexual orientation doesn't line up with my own, so long as they don't try to force it on me. But outside that, I'll be a friend to you, so long as you'll respect my boundaries.
And that is where I stand: comfortably in the middle, supporting both sides and wishing they wouldn't be at each others' throats. Because while, according to my religious views, while God may not appreciate people being LGBT, he would certainly prefer it if we didn't fight over the matter and just let each other live our respective lives in peace. It's a message that is quite often lost in the sea of absolutes that has our nation so polarized lately, and therefore: paralyzed.
Look, if you want to know just how stupid this whole matter is, look no further than Rachel Maddow. The woman is a living litmus test for these sorts of things, and even more so considering that she's an unrepentant lesbian. The most shocking thing about her is that as a Democrat-alligned political pundit, she is a remarkable equal opportunist in picking her targets. If you're in the political racket and you do something messed up, she's gonna fry you for it. Now, you would think that she'd have been all over this like flies on stink... but a quick Google for "Rachel Maddow Chick-fil-a" turns up... well, nothing that's connected. What this tells me is that Rachel Maddow sees nothing to rake Cathy over the coals for.
So, unless you can produce something from a neutral source that has scathing things to say about Mr. Cathy... I think I'll go get myself some chicken once I can afford it. Besides, if anything he's being more careful now about who he's giving money to, so chances are pretty good my dollar won't go to the likes of The Family Research Council.