*shruggs* Well, I can always be wrong about things - my commentary about the groups that were support through Winshape was based on a rather quick readthrough. Although, I will stand by the question I asked earlier: are these groups still receiving donations through Winshape/Cathy?
Here's how I'm looking at this matter, in case no one's really noticed yet. The people that operate Chick-fil-a are obviously not bad people at all. The fact that Cathy has set up his company to embrace and espouse Christian values should be a non-issue, even if you are LGBT. The reason being that Chick-fil-a does not hire angry, bigoted people (some of the actions of some franchise owners have born this out already).
In fact, while I haven't been able to pay all that much attention to the news, I'm pretty sure that none of the 'kiss-ins' staged at any Chick-fil-a store has turned violent or that the perpetrators of those protests were ejected from the store. I could be wrong. Lemme go check... Nope. The only real bad thing was what some... ill intentioned person defaced a Chick-fil-a and has been arrested.
Okay, so there you have it. People at Chick-fil-a... generally good people. Even their employment figures bear this out. They only have a five percent turn-over rate in management, and a mere 60% among the crews (as opposed to the industry standard of 105% ... don't ask me how the hell that works).
Maybe this has something to do with the fact that Dan Cathy only wants happily married people running his franchises!? Perish the thought! After all, wasn't there some study that shows that happily married people that attend church regularly are happy in general!? Oh no! Really, you honestly have to stop and remember that the face of the church-going-happily-married-salary-man is one that has been tarnished by the acts of a very nasty minority. Because for every time you hear about some person that had such an image that was found out as a pedophile/rapist/deranged/murderer/racist... there's about several million others that are perfectly normal, good folks.
Okay, so now that we've established this... are there any people among the CFA owners/management that are leaning more into the radical/extremist side of things? Maybe. But I'm pretty sure that the fact that person is surrounded by more sane-minded individuals keeps them in check.
Still think I'm full of it? I honestly hope not. I got enough psychological issues as it is that wondering if I'm outright crazy might send me over the edge.
Now, here I really get to the point...
If the folks at Chick-fil-a honestly had a hard-on for the repression of the LGBT community, then we would probably have not seen their very tolerant reactions over the last week. Remarkable, given that some of the communities they're located in I don't think it would have taken more than a phone call to have the protesters cleared out - 1st Amendment be damned in their eyes. So why would people as genuinely good as this... donate to organizations that openly hate and practice that hate? It simply does not compute.
Oh, you can dress it up all you like... but if Dan Cathy honestly felt this way, he'd be dumping just about every red cent he earned didn't need into the most virulent groups he can find... and making sure it happens through several fronts, just to make sure his image of a benevolent christian is upheld. And that is why I still ask if the organizations point out in the article Glidergun linked are still supported by Winshape.
And with that, I think I've said just about all I can on the matter for now.
Here's how I'm looking at this matter, in case no one's really noticed yet. The people that operate Chick-fil-a are obviously not bad people at all. The fact that Cathy has set up his company to embrace and espouse Christian values should be a non-issue, even if you are LGBT. The reason being that Chick-fil-a does not hire angry, bigoted people (some of the actions of some franchise owners have born this out already).
In fact, while I haven't been able to pay all that much attention to the news, I'm pretty sure that none of the 'kiss-ins' staged at any Chick-fil-a store has turned violent or that the perpetrators of those protests were ejected from the store. I could be wrong. Lemme go check... Nope. The only real bad thing was what some... ill intentioned person defaced a Chick-fil-a and has been arrested.
Okay, so there you have it. People at Chick-fil-a... generally good people. Even their employment figures bear this out. They only have a five percent turn-over rate in management, and a mere 60% among the crews (as opposed to the industry standard of 105% ... don't ask me how the hell that works).
Maybe this has something to do with the fact that Dan Cathy only wants happily married people running his franchises!? Perish the thought! After all, wasn't there some study that shows that happily married people that attend church regularly are happy in general!? Oh no! Really, you honestly have to stop and remember that the face of the church-going-happily-married-salary-man is one that has been tarnished by the acts of a very nasty minority. Because for every time you hear about some person that had such an image that was found out as a pedophile/rapist/deranged/murderer/racist... there's about several million others that are perfectly normal, good folks.
Okay, so now that we've established this... are there any people among the CFA owners/management that are leaning more into the radical/extremist side of things? Maybe. But I'm pretty sure that the fact that person is surrounded by more sane-minded individuals keeps them in check.
Still think I'm full of it? I honestly hope not. I got enough psychological issues as it is that wondering if I'm outright crazy might send me over the edge.
Now, here I really get to the point...
If the folks at Chick-fil-a honestly had a hard-on for the repression of the LGBT community, then we would probably have not seen their very tolerant reactions over the last week. Remarkable, given that some of the communities they're located in I don't think it would have taken more than a phone call to have the protesters cleared out - 1st Amendment be damned in their eyes. So why would people as genuinely good as this... donate to organizations that openly hate and practice that hate? It simply does not compute.
Oh, you can dress it up all you like... but if Dan Cathy honestly felt this way, he'd be dumping just about every red cent he earned didn't need into the most virulent groups he can find... and making sure it happens through several fronts, just to make sure his image of a benevolent christian is upheld. And that is why I still ask if the organizations point out in the article Glidergun linked are still supported by Winshape.
And with that, I think I've said just about all I can on the matter for now.