Because on the Right, you have the American militia movement, the Greek Golden Dawn, all the various feeder groups and parallels of Al Quaeda, and a wide range of other crazies that I'm not up enough on current events to name individually.
On the Left, you have the idea of an active Communist cell that's magically survived the forty-five years since the Seventies or a bunch of PETA/Greenpeace types.
In short, these days, on the Left you have jokes and on the right you have a combination of Proven Threats and deliberate invocations of Nazism.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
On the Left, you have the idea of an active Communist cell that's magically survived the forty-five years since the Seventies or a bunch of PETA/Greenpeace types.
In short, these days, on the Left you have jokes and on the right you have a combination of Proven Threats and deliberate invocations of Nazism.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."