Logan Darklighter Wrote:You’ll also notice this little bit of information glossed over by Glazer:
Quote:An Austin, Texas-based group, Progress Texas, received a letter from the IRS in February 2013 when it sought nonprofit status.
While the average wait for Conservative and Tea Party groups to be granted (or denied) their tax exempt status is about 3 years, Progress Texas sought tax exempt non-profit status in February.
Of this year.
You’ll notice, if you go to their site, that tax exempt status has already been granted. In less than 3 months.
Probably a lot quicker than that.
But Matt Glazer and Phillip Martin would have you believe that they received the exact same scrutiny as Conservative groups.
Who are still waiting for their tax-exempt non-profit status.
If the IRS treated Progress Texas just the way they treat everybody else seeking non-profit status, why did the IRS admit wrong doing in specifically targeting Conservative and Tea Party groups?
Emphasize this.
Frankly, I think a lot of these groups shouldn't be getting tax exempt status anyway. But that doesn't seem to be what's happening. What is happening?
Well, you've got one set that's getting it's applications handled quickly, and one that have been dragged out interminably.
One set was asked various relevant questions, and one was asked various irrelevant questions, like for reports on books they had read, or what their relationship was with random people who were never even part of their organization.
One set didn't have confidential information they submitted leaked to outside groups, and one did.
And of course, one set was likely to get approved, and one set wasn't.
This arrangement strikes me as kind of an *issue*, even if it weren't for the very obvious political criteria being used to decide who ends up in which sets.
Rob: Who lost their jobs? Steven Miller was asked to resign, and did so. But everything I've found relating to firings has been either been about how there should be firings in the future, or about how expensive and time-consuming it will be to actually do the firing.